
This publication describes Advanced Function Presentation Conversion and Indexing Facility (ACIF), which is available for use with RICOH InfoPrint Manager™ and RICOH ProcessDirector™. InfoPrint Manager uses ACIF in the AIX®, Linux®, and Windows® environments; and RICOH ProcessDirector uses ACIF in the Linux and Windows environments.

This publication assumes that you are familiar with Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) concepts, such as Mixed Object Document Content Architecture for Presentation (MO:DCA-P) and structured fields, as well as the parameters that you specify when printing with InfoPrint Manager and RICOH ProcessDirector.

This publication contains information that application programmers can use to develop ACIF applications that:

  • Convert line data and XML data print files to MO:DCA-P documents.
  • Add indexing tags to documents.
  • Create a separate index object file from the indexing tags in a MO:DCA-P document.
  • Retrieve and package AFP resources needed for printing or viewing a MO:DCA-P document.

Note: This publication provides ACIF messages that contain instructions for the system programmers responsible for maintaining the operating system and the InfoPrint Manager or RICOH ProcessDirector program running on it. You might need to show these messages to your system programmer for assistance from time to time.