Verifying the installation
If you have finished installing RICOH ProcessDirector and want to verify the installation, use this procedure to enable the Sample printer,
submit a test job to the HotFolderPDF input device, and process the job.
- If you are not logged in to the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface, log in.
- In the Printers portlet, right-click the Sample printer and select Enable.
- On the command line, enter this command to copy a test file into the hot folder that
the HotFolderPDF input device monitors:
- cp /aiw/aiw1/testfiles/Demo.pdf /aiw/aiw1/System/hf/defaultPDF
- Wait a few seconds for the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface to refresh. If it does not refresh automatically, refresh your browser.You
should see a job in the Jobs table on the Main page. The job's Phase should be Complete, and its State should be Retained.If you do not see a job, see the
Job not appearing in Jobs table
troubleshooting topic in the RICOH ProcessDirector information center. Click Help () from the top task bar of the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface to see the information center.
- Right-click the job and select View Log. The log should show that the job printed. For example, if the job ID is 10000000,
the log should show message
AIWI0016I: 10000000 printed
. The job does not print on a real printer.This verifies that RICOH ProcessDirector is installed correctly.
directory. The file name is the job ID followed by info.csv. For example,
- Note:
- Your software installs in trial mode. The trial license expires after 60 days. For more information about obtaining and installing license keys, see Downloading and installing license keys.