Configuring the system
Configuration tasks for RICOH ProcessDirector include adding and setting properties for objects such as input devices, as well
as more advanced tasks such as setting up external programs.
In this section:
- Setting system propertiesSystem properties apply to the overall RICOH ProcessDirector environment, which includes the primary server and any application/secondary servers. Some of the properties apply to all the jobs that RICOH ProcessDirector creates.
- Preparing for job submissionYou can submit jobs to RICOH ProcessDirector using different mechanisms, such as the LPD protocol, FTP, SCP, file copying, or the Submit Jobs portlet on the Main page. Some preparation is necessary no matter which submission method you use. If you install the AFP Support feature, you can submit jobs using Download for z/OS or AFP Download Plus.
- Importing WSDL filesA Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file describes how a SOAP web service is called, including the parameters it accepts and the data structures it returns. You import WSDL files for all SOAP web services that you call to communicate with an application. RICOH ProcessDirector creates SOAP request objects from SOAP operations in each WSDL file.
- Preparing to retrieve REST web services inputTo retrieve input from a REST web service for an application, identify the parameters used to call the REST web service. Test the exchange of data between RICOH ProcessDirector and the application. Then define and configure a REST web service input device.
- Preparing to retrieve SOAP web services inputTo retrieve input from a SOAP web service for an application, identify the parameters used to call the SOAP web service. Test the exchange of data between RICOH ProcessDirector and the application. Then define and configure a SOAP web service input device.
- Defining input devicesInput devices are the RICOH ProcessDirector objects through which RICOH ProcessDirector receives jobs.
- Defining printer objectsPrinter objects represent the printers in your environment that receive print jobs from RICOH ProcessDirector.
- Creating barcode formatsYou can create a barcode format object for each barcode that has a different format. The barcode format identifies the values of job and document properties in the barcode.
- Configuring the system to use insertersInserters are devices that insert printed documents and additional inserts (such as marketing materials) into envelopes. You can create workflows that can help you automate the insertion of documents. The system can write and send an inserter control file for each job to the inserter controller, read the inserter results file for each job, and automatically (or with operator control) reprint any documents that were damaged during insertion.
- Configuring mediaRICOH ProcessDirector has several media settings that you can use to help standardize the media names across printers. For Ricoh PDF Printers, you can also configure RICOH ProcessDirector to use product IDs to match media. After you configure media, the media requested by a job can be reliably matched with media available in the printer selected to print the job.
- Defining locationsLocations represent the places where printers are located.
- Preparing to use workflowsA workflow defines a set of steps that a job follows through the system. When you define a workflow, you specify what phases and, within those phases, what steps the job passes through during processing.
- Copying objects from another system
- Creating and activating custom propertiesIf none of the existing job or document properties meet your specific needs, you can define custom properties that are tailored to your specifications. After these properties are activated, you can use them just as you would any other job or document property.
- Applying custom valuesYou can easily apply values that your Ricoh support representative provides for customizing the system, such as custom halftone names and printer models.
- AFP resources in RICOH ProcessDirectorWhenever you view or print an Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) file or convert a line data job to AFP, RICOH ProcessDirector most likely encounters references to AFP resources such as overlays, page segments, and fonts. If those resources are sent inline with the job, RICOH ProcessDirector uses the inline resources. If they are not inline, RICOH ProcessDirector must know where to find them on your system to be able to display, print, or convert the job correctly.
- Setting up user exit programsRICOH ProcessDirector can call user exit programs that can modify the AFP print file for a job before or after it prints. Authorized users can modify and compile the sample exit programs that RICOH ProcessDirector provides or they can write their own. RICOH ProcessDirector provides sample exit programs in the
(AIX and Linux) orC:\Program Files (x86)\Ricoh\PSF\exits
(Windows) directory. - Banner pagesBanner pages can be printed at the beginning and end of a job to help distinguish one job from the next. If the AFP Support feature is installed, AFP print jobs can also include banner pages between copies of a multi-copy job. Banner pages usually include identifying information about the jobs, such as the job ID, file name, and the time the job was submitted.
- Email and progress updatesYou can send an email during job processing, with the SendEmail step or with a notification object.
- Setting up the system to use a proxy serverYou can configure RICOH ProcessDirector to connect to one or two proxy servers for communication with applications outside of your network.
- NotificationsYou can configure these types of notifications and use the copy function to create additional notifications.
- Web service notificationsYou can configure REST and SOAP web service notifications.
- Configuring control files for job audit informationRICOH ProcessDirector creates audit files that provide information about a specific job when it deletes the job from the system. Control files that use RICOH ProcessDirector symbol notation determine the values that RICOH ProcessDirector writes to the audit files for a job.
- Configuring to send jobs to Ultimate Impostrip®To send jobs to Ultimate Impostrip®, you must configure the Ultimate Impostrip® program, the primary computer, and some system settings, then tune the RunImpostripOnJob step template and add it to a workflow.
- Setting up datastream transformsYou can configure RICOH ProcessDirector to transform input data files to formats that your printers can print.
- Setting up Deadline TrackerAfter you read the Deadline Tracker overview topics, set up Deadline Tracker by doing the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Configuring to use ReportsAfter you read the Reports overview and usage scenario, configure to use Reports by doing the tasks described in this section.
- Setting up to send data to RICOH SupervisorThe RICOH Supervisor settings let you configure the system to send data to RICOH Supervisor.
- Setting up RICOH ProcessDirector and Avanti Slingshot to exchange informationAfter you read the Avanti Slingshot Connect overview topics, you can set up RICOH ProcessDirector and Slingshot to exchange information about orders, jobs, and job processing. Do the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Setting up the Quadient Inspire Connect featureAfter you read the Quadient Inspire Connect overview topics, you can set up Quadient Inspire Connect by doing the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Setting up to use electronic formsAfter you read the Preprinted Forms Replacement overview topics, set up to use electronic forms by doing the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Configuring document processing featuresTo configure document processing features, you define the custom document properties you need and then update them to make them available to the system. Using RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat for PDF files or RICOH Visual Workbench for AFP files, you set up to use documents in your PDF or AFP jobs. You configure your PDF or AFP workflows to process documents. Finally, you make adjustments to maximize document processing performance on your system.
- Setting up to pull documents from a jobYou can set up to pull documents from a job, or suppress documents from printing, by doing the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Setting up to reconcile jobs manuallyYou can reconcile the documents in a job manually, accounting for all documents that processed successfully and reprinting all damaged documents. You also can account for all documents that are pulled from the job.
- Setting up to exchange data with web servicesYou can set up to exchange data with web services by running the sample workflow. After you examine how the sample workflow is set up, see the related topics that explain how to set up web service input devices and notifications. You can also examine the related topics on step templates.
- Setting up to process orders from MarcomCentralAfter you read the MarcomCentral Connect overview topic, run the sample workflows for processing orders retrieved from MarcomCentral. After you understand how the sample SOAP web service input device, sample workflows, and sample SOAP web service notification work, you can do the configuration tasks.
- Setting up the Archive featureAfter you read the Archive overview topics, you can set up Archive by doing the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Setting up the Postal Enablement featureReview the overview topics related to Postal Enablement, then run the sample workflows to see how the supplied step templates and workflows can work together. When you feel comfortable with the concepts, define one or more workflows to send jobs to your postal processing software and test them to make sure that they function correctly.
- Setting up the Automated Verification featureAfter you read the Automated Verification overview topics, run the VerifySample workflow. You can then set up Automated Verification by doing the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Setting up the Preference Management featureAfter you read the Preference Management overview topics, you can set up Preference Management by doing the configuration tasks described in this section.
- Setting up securityYou can control access to the RICOH ProcessDirector system with user names and security groups. You can also increase the security of the data in your print system by enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) in the Web server component. If you exchange data with a web service, you can install a security certificate for the web service.
- Instructing new users about logging in to RICOH ProcessDirectorAfter you set up user names and groups (or set up authentication using LDAP), tell your users how to log in to the RICOH ProcessDirector system.
- Customizing the user interfaceThe RICOH ProcessDirector user interface lets you change the size, location, and contents of portlets. You can even create custom portlets to display property combinations in a structure that is meaningful for your operations. It also lets you change how often the information is refreshed. You can change the background color for the RICOH ProcessDirector pages to identify the system at a glance.
- Show totals for selected jobsYou can show totals of many numeric job properties for selected jobs in the RICOH ProcessDirector system using the Show Totals Footer function on the Jobs table. By default, Total pages and Total sheets are shown. You can change what properties are displayed in the footer. The properties you choose must be included as columns in the Jobs table.
- Changing the job information shown in the Printers portlet and on the printer consoleBy default, the Printers portlet in the user interface shows the number of the job that is printing. RICOH ProcessDirector lets you show the job name instead of the job number.
Parent topic: Using RICOH ProcessDirector