Copying objects from another system

To reuse objects from another RICOH ProcessDirector system, you can use the other system to export them. On this RICOH ProcessDirector system, you can import the objects rather than recreating them manually.
You can export and import objects such as input devices, workflows, printers, media objects, notifications, servers, step templates, user names, groups, and locations. You can also export and import some objects added by features or extensions.
  • We recommend using the Migration Assistant when upgrading to a different computer to copy objects from one system to another. For additional information see Upgrading on a different computer with Migration Assistant.
  • Do not import objects added by a feature or extension that is not installed on this system.
  • Before you import an object that has the same name as an existing object of the same type, make sure that the existing object is disabled. If the object is an input device, also make sure that it is disconnected. When you import the new object, the existing object is updated to match the new one.
  • If you are using the Preprinted Forms Replacement feature, export the file before you import media objects with electronic forms. Follow the instructions in the help system for exporting media objects with electronic forms.
  • When you import step resources, the files that they refer to are not included in the export package. Copy the files referenced in the step resources from the export system to the import system manually. You must copy the files to the import system before you import the step resource objects.
    • To import all the step resources, copy the contents of C:\aiw\aiw1\StepResources from the export system into the same directory on the import system.
    • To import specific step resources, open the XML file that you exported. Find the entry for each step resource that you exported and locate the StepResource.File property. In that value, find the name of the RSC file associated with that step resource. For example, in this value:
      • <property name="StepResource.File" value="{&quot;fileName&quot; : &quot;C:\aiw\aiw1\StepResources\1992052c6ef44a229b8b43d77232bf53.rsc1992052c6ef44a229b8b43d77232bf53.rsc&quot; , &quot,&quot;displayName&quot; : &quot;Ricoh_Export-2019-08-26_13-30-04.xml&quot;}"/>

      The file name is: 1992052c6ef44a229b8b43d77232bf53.rsc

      Find the file on the export system and copy it into the same directory on the import system.

  • You can export objects from a primary server running on one operating system and import them on a primary server running on a different operating system.

    If you export objects from Windows and import them on Linux, you need to manually update the paths for the paths or the configuration files.

To copy objects from another system:

  1. Click the Administration tab.
  2. In the left pane, click Utilities Import Objects.
  3. In the File to import field, click to select the XML file that contains the properties of exported objects.
    The default name of this file is Ricoh_Export_timestamp.xml. The administrator who exported the objects might have given the file a different name.
    • If you exported media objects with electronic forms, the name of the file is media.xml. It is in this directory:
      • C:\aiw\aiw1
    The file is automatically examined, and the objects are evaluated. If there are issues with any objects in the file, you see a dialog that lists the import errors and warnings. Close the dialog and all the objects appear in the Objects to import table. Objects with errors or warnings are marked with an icon.

    Repeat this step for all the files you want to import. Objects from additional files are added to the table, so they can all be added at the same time.

  4. Review the objects in the list. Select any object marked with a warning or error symbol and click Details to see additional information about the warning or error. Follow the instructions in the description to resolve problems. You cannot import objects that are marked as errors.
  5. Select the objects that you want to import.
  6. Optional: To make sure that you do not update objects that exist, click Deselect existing objects.
  7. Click Import.
    If the Import button is disabled, one or more selected objects are marked with the error icon. Click Deselect error objects to clear the selection for those objects and click Import again. The objects without errors are imported.

    Return to the error objects to resolve the issues and try to import them again.

  • Credential objects might be contained in the file you import if they were included as references in workflows, step templates, input devices, or transmitter objects. The imported credential objects cannot be used until you re-enter values for the User name and Password properties on the imported system.
  • If an imported workflow refers to a step that does not exist on this system, RICOH ProcessDirector replaces the step with a placeholder step named ReplacedStep. The original step name and step template name are available in the Step properties. The ReplacedStep acts like the ContinueToNextStep step template, so it simply passes the job to the next processing step without changing it.
  • Contact your local Ricoh support representative if you receive an error message for step templates not containing a reference to an extension when importing objects.