Constant field syntax


A constant field cannot be concatenated in an index with a field that is based on a floating trigger. A constant field is a field for which you specify the actual index value that will be stored in the database. It is possible to generate an index value by concatenating or combining the value that you specify for a constant field with the value that ACIF extracts from a document by using a trigger field. However, the trigger field cannot be based on a floating trigger.

Options and values
The field parameter identifier. When adding a field parameter, use the next available number, beginning with 1 (one).
The literal (constant) string value of the field. This is the index value stored in the database. If the input data contains unformatted ASCII data, the constant can be specified either as character data or hexadecimal data. Specify a hexadecimal value using the format X'constant', where constant is hexadecimal data. If the input data contains EBCDIC data, the constant must be specified as hexadecimal data. The constant value can be 1 to 250 bytes in length. ACIF does not check the validity of the actual content of the supplied data.

Examples: The following field parameter causes ACIF to store the same string of hexadecimal characters in each INDEX3 value it creates.


The following field parameters cause ACIF to concatenate a constant value with the index value extracted from the data. ACIF concatenates the constant value specified in the FIELD3 parameter to each index value located using the FIELD4 parameter. The concatenated string value is stored in the database. In this example, the account number field in the data is 14 bytes in length. However, the account number in the database is 19 bytes in length. Use a constant field to concatenate a constant five byte prefix (0000–) to all account numbers extracted from the data.

The input data is encoded in EBCDIC.
