Mapping AFP fonts
For the afp2pdf transform to map the best matching fonts to display your AFP document, the transform
needs to know certain characteristics about the fonts that were used to create your
document. Mapping AFP fonts is done with the font definition files installed as part
of the afp2pdf transform. These files are loaded into the FONT subdirectory under /opt/infoprint/itm/xforms/afp2pdf/
for AIX and Linux and under TF_install_path\itm\xforms\afp2pdf\
for Windows. FONT
subdirectory with an AFM
subdirectory and a Type1
subdirectory. You can edit them using any text editor. The shipped version of the
font definition files maps the IBM Core Interchange (Latin only), compatibility, coordinated,
and Data1 fonts for you. If your document uses an AFP font that is not listed in the
font definition files, you need to add it. If you have generated modified font definition
files for viewing AFP files for the AFP Workbench or for the AFP plug-in, some of
the same files can be reused for the afp2pdf transform. The icoded.fnt
, coded.fnt
, csdef.fnt
, cpdef.fnt
, and