Attributes for resource contexts

InfoPrint Manager uses resource contexts to determine the location of PSF resources. Actual destination attributes, such as resource-context, resource-context-font, or resource-context-overlay, reference the names of resource contexts.

The different types of AFP resources are:

Data object font resources
A data object font resource can be an OpenType font collection, an OpenType set of linked fonts, or OpenType fonts that are installed in one or more directories on your InfoPrint Manager server. Data object font resources are the only fonts registered through a Resource Allocation Table that is located in the same directory as the fonts. For more information about using data object font resources with InfoPrint Manager, see “Creating and managing resource-context objects” in RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Procedures.
Data object resources
Data object resources are a type of AFP resource; they can be an IOCA file or a type of file natively supported by a particular model of printer (for example, an EPS file on an InfoPrint Color 130 plus). In addition, if you use the transforms that come with InfoPrint Manager to convert objects into AFP first, these non-native types of files can be used as data object resources as well. In InfoPrint Manager, data object resources are grouped with BCOCA and GOCA objects, and they are collectively known as presentation object containers.
A font is a single size and typeface in a particular type family including letters, numerals, punctuation marks, special characters, and ligatures.