Adding box shading values to printed output
InfoPrint Manager supports both Output Text Format (OTF) shading values and border thickness values. The BX OTF command lets you print boxes that are either clear, solid, or contain four different levels of shading. The levels of shading are a percentage between 0 and 100, with 0 indicating a clear box and 100 a solid box.
The InfoPrint Manager SAP transform recognizes the BX OTF command and creates graphics object content architecture (GOCA) output if passed the -g flag. GOCA is an AFP data architecture used to represent pictures generated by computer. Both the ipm_submit and ipm_print commands used by the OMS (see Installing and configuring InfoPrint Manager's OMS) and access method L (see InfoPrint Manager non-OMS support) automatically pass the -g flag to the SAP transform through the other-transform-options attribute. For more information about the other-transform-options attribute and the sap2afp command, see RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Reference. For more information about the BX command values required to specify box shading, see your SAP R/3 documentation.
If you use this function with an IPDS InfoPrint printer that is not enabled for GOCA, the file prints a presentation text object content architecture (PTOCA) box or boxes without shading and this message sequence for each box at the end of the job:
0420-535: ERROR: One or more graphics objects were encountered. The printer does not support this type of object. : : 0420-879: InfoPrint continues processing the print job: The STOP when errors found in IMAGE and GRAPHICS data field on the InfoPrint SMIT Error Handling Options panel is set to no.
If your installation uses older printers (for example, 3900 printers instead of InfoPrint 4000 printers), the GOCA support can cause the printers to print at less than rated speed. If your applications do not require GOCA support features such as box shading, you might want to improve performance by turning off the GOCA support. For instructions on how to turn off GOCA support on the various platforms supported, see the following sections.