Setting up your SAP R/3 system to support new OTF user fonts

Use this procedure when using the sap2afp transform to print with a new font that you have created for the job:

  1. From the R/3 main menu, access the Font window so you can create a font family for this new, customized font, by selecting the Tools main menu and then selecting the Word Processing → Font path. or typing /nSP73 in the ok-Code field.
  2. From the SAPscript Font Maintenance: Initial Screen window, select the Font families option and click Change.
  3. Click Create and fill in the font information on the Create/Change Font Family window as shown in Figure SAPScript Font Maintenance: Create/Change Font Family window:

    SAPScript Font Maintenance: Create/Change Font Family window

    SAPScript Font Maintenance: Create/Change Font Family window
  4. Click Continue.
  5. When the system prompts you for a Change Request Query request, click Cancel.
  6. From the SAPscript Font Maintenanc