Attributes of the input print file

ACIF provides information about the attributes of the input print file in a data structure available to ACIF’s user exits.

AIX or Windows sample print file attributes C language header shows a sample C language header that describes the format of the AIX or Windows data structure.

AIX or Windows sample print file attributes C language header

typedef struct _PFATTR  /*Print File Attributes                          */
 char  cc[3];     /*Carriage controls? - "YES" or "NO "                  */
 char  cctype[1]; /*Carriage control type - A(ANSI), M(Machine), Z(ASCII)*/
 char  chars[20]; /*CHARS values, including commas (eg. GT12,GT15)       */
 char  formdef[8];/*Form Definition (FORMDEF)                            */
 char  pagedef[8];/*Page Definition (PAGEDEF)                            */
 char  prmode[8]; /*Processing mode                                      */
 char  trc[3];    /*Table Reference Characters - "YES" or "NO "          */

The address of the control block that contains the following parameters is passed to the input record exit. For AIX and Windows, the address is passed by the first parameter.

cc(Bytes 1–3)
The value of the CC parameter as specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file. ACIF uses the default value if this parameter is not explicitly specified.
cctype(Byte 4)
The value of the CCTYPE parameter as specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file. ACIF uses the default value if this parameter is not explicitly specified.
chars(Bytes 5–24)
The value of the CHARS parameter as specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file, including any commas that separate multiple font specifications. Because the CHARS parameter has no default value, this field contains blanks if no values are specified.
formdef(Bytes 25–32)
The value of the FORMDEF parameter as specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file. Because the FORMDEF parameter has no default value, this field contains blanks if no value is specified.
pagedef(Bytes 33–40)
The value of the PAGEDEF parameter as specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file. Because the PAGEDEF parameter has no default value, this field contains blanks if no value is specified.
prmode(Bytes 41–48)
The value of the PRMODE parameter as specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file. Because the PRMODE parameter has no default value, this field contains blanks if no value is specified.
trc(Bytes 49–51)
The value of the TRC parameter as specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file. ACIF uses the default value if this parameter is not explicitly specified.
  1. Each of the previous character values is left-aligned, with padding blanks added to the right-end of the string. For example, if PAGEDEF=P1TEST is specified on the acif command or in the ACIF processing parameter file, the page definition value in the data structure is P1TESTbb.
  2. Exit programs cannot change the values that are supplied in this data structure. For example, if P1TEST is the page definition value, and an exit program changes the value to P1PROD, ACIF still uses P1TEST.
  3. This data structure is provided for informational purposes only.