Resettable attribute listing
You can set these attributes with the pdpr command when you create a document or with the pdcreate command when you create a default document. You can modify them with the pdset command after you create the document or the default document. You can also modify them for the document using the pdmod command.
- account-text
- address1-text
- address2-text
- address3-text
- address4-text
- base-printer
- building-text
- carriage-control-type
- chars
- class
- color-bits-per-plane
- color-mapping-table
- color-profile
- color-rendering-intent
- color-toner-saver
- content-orientation
- convert-to-ebcdic
- copy-count
- data-fidelity-problem-reported
- default-character-mapping
- default-input-tray
- default-medium
- default-printer-resolution
- department-text
- descriptor (default document only)
- destination-pass-through
- document-comment
- document-finishing
- document-format
- document-pdf-processor
- email-from-address
- email-to-address
- fax-number
- fax-to-name
- fax-to-email-domain
- font-fidelity-action
- font-processing-messages
- font-resolution
- form-definition
- form-length
- halftone
- image-fit
- image-length
- image-out-format
- image-width
- input-color-management-resources
- input-exit
- input-tray-select
- interchange-set-version
- jde-jdl
- job-terminate-message-count
- list-of-managers (default document only)
- maintain-original-filename
- maximum-messages-printed
- maximum-transform-pages-ahead
- message (default document only)
- mvs-destination
- mvs-forms
- mvs-segment-id
- name-text
- new-line-option
- new-line-option-data-encoding
- node-id-text
- number-up
- other-transform-options
- output-appearance
- output-bin
- output-color-management-resource
- output-color-management-resource-inline
- output-color-management-resource-tag
- output-format
- overlay
- overlay-back
- overlay-front
- page-count (document only)
- page-definition
- page-media-select
- page-select (document only)
- plex
- print-quality
- programmer-text
- resource-context
- resource-context-font
- resource-context-form-definition
- resource-context-overlay
- resource-context-page-definition
- resource-context-page-segment
- resource-context-presentation-object-container
- resource-context-user
- resource-exit
- reverse-page-order
- room-text
- scanner-correction
- screen-frequency
- segment-file-size
- shared-formdef
- shift-out-shift-in
- sides
- start-on-new-sheet
- subject-text
- table-reference-characters
- title-text
- transform-message-file-name
- transform-output-file-name
- user-id-text
- x-image-shift
- x-image-shift-back
- y-image-shift
- y-image-shift-back