Resettable attribute listing
You can modify these attributes with the pdset command after you create a server.
- accept-unsupported-jobs
- additional-accounting-log-attributes
- auto-create-shared-printers (Windows only)
- client-driver-names (Windows only)
- count-job-pages
- descriptor
- disallowed-list-object-classes (AIX only)
- forms-available
- ignore-ivo-values
- job-submission-timer
- list-of-managers
- log-accounting-data
- lower-memory-usage-exit (AIX only)
- lower-memory-usage-threshold (AIX only)
- maximum-non-raster-rips
- maximum-raster-rips
- message
- notification-profile
- pull-print-job-timeout
- save-rip-files
- security-level
- smtp-server-host
- smtp-server-port
- snmp-discovery-during-startup
- snmp-normal-poll-interval
- snmp-problem-poll-interval
- transform-manager-host
- transform-manager-port
- upper-memory-usage-exit (AIX only)
- upper-memory-usage-threshold (AIX only)
- web-server-host
- web-server-port