Defining a new OTF format

If you are printing Output Text Format (OTF) jobs, you must create page format with the same name as the customized format you plan to apply:

  1. From the R/3 main menu, access the Spool Administration window by selecting the Tools main menu and then selecting the Tools → Administration → Spool → Spool Administration path. or typing the /nSPAD transaction in the ok-Code field.
  2. From the Spool Administration: Initial Screen window, select the Page formats option and click Change.
  3. Select the page format that you want to copy (in this case, LETTER) and click copy from.
  4. From the Spool Administration: Copy Page Format from LETTER window, specify the name of the customized paper type that you are creating (in this case, ZLETDOC).
  5. Select the back icon (the left-pointing arrow) and the system prompts you to save the new page format.
  6. Specify /nSPAD in the ok-Code field.
  7. From the Spool Administration: Initial Screen window, select the Formats option and click Change.
  8. Select the Format that you wish to copy (in this case, ZLETDOC), and click Copy from
  9. From the Spool Administration: Copy Format from LETTER window, fill in the values as displayed in Spool Administration: Copy Format from LETTER window:

    Spool Administration: Copy Format from LETTER window

    Spool Administration: Copy Format from LETTER window
  10. Click the Back icon (the left-pointing arrow) and the system prompts you to save the new OTF format.

Once you have saved the new OTF format, you must use Connecting a new format to a device type .