Filtering destinations
To find a destination near you that can print two-sided PostScript jobs, enter:
pdls -c destination -f "destination-realization==actual
&& document-format-supported==postscript && sides-supported==2"
-r "destination-location" \*:
The -f flag specifies that you want to either filter on or list only actual destinations that support PostScript format and two-sided printing. The -r flag specifies that you want to request where the actual destinations are located in. The asterisk means that you want to check every server. The blank after the colon means that you want to check every destination in every server.
InfoPrint returns information similar to this:
caxton: destination-location = 3rd floor E
elzevir: destination-location =
morris: destination-location = 1st floor W
You decide to print your job on morris
. To determine a logical destination that routes jobs to morris
, enter:
pdls -c destination -f
"destination-associated-destinations==morris" \*: