Installing the Command Line Client for Windows
- You must have administrative privileges to install InfoPrint Command Line Client for Windows.
- If you plan to install one or all of the InfoPrint Manager GUIs as well as the Command Line Client for Windows, the sequence of the installs is important. Since the Command Line Client for Windows might require a system reboot, you might want to install the InfoPrint Manager GUI(s) first.
- You must adjust the configuration of the InfoPrint Manager server for the Command Line Client for Windows to function properly.
To install InfoPrint Manager Command Line Client on a Windows system from the InfoPrint Manager: Common Clients DVD-ROM:
- Insert the InfoPrint Manager: Common Clients DVD-ROM into the drive.
- Click Install InfoPrintCLC client (64-bit).
- Follow the instructions on the installation screens to install the program.
Note: If you plan to install one or both of the InfoPrint Manager GUIs as well as InfoPrint CLC, the sequence of the installations is important. Because InfoPrint CLC might require a system reboot, you might want to install the InfoPrint Manager GUIs first.
- Select one of the two restart options: Yes, I want to restart my computer now. or No, I will restart my computer later..
- Click Finish on the Complete window.