Archive objects
To archive all the objects from an InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux server and place the resulting archive in a specific directory, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdarchive ––pdtemp=/tmp/server1_archive ––pdsave_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -a -t /tmp/server1_archive -s
To archive all the objects from an InfoPrint Manager for Windows server and place the resulting archive in a specific directory, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdarchive ––pdtemp="C:\temp\server1_archive" ––pdsave_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -a -t "C:\temp\server1_archive" -s
To archive all the objects from an InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux server and place the resulting archive in a specific directory using simple names instead of OIDs, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdarchive ––pdtemp=/tmp/server1_archive ––simple_name ––pdsave_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -a -t /tmp/server1_archive ––simple_name -s
To archive all the objects from an InfoPrint Manager for Windows server and place the resulting archive in a specific directory using simple names instead of OIDs, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdarchive ––pdtemp="C:\temp\server1_archive" ––simple_name ––pdsave_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -a -t "C:\temp\server1_archive" ––simple_name -s
Restore objects
To restore all the InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux server objects that are found in one specific archive directory, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdrestore ––pdtemp=/tmp/server1_archive ––pdrestore_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -r -t /tmp/server1_archive ––pdrestore_cfg_files
To restore all the InfoPrint Manager for Windows server objects that are found in one specific archive directory, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdrestore ––pdtemp="C:\temp\server1_archive" ––pdrestore_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -r -t "C:\temp\server1_archive" ––pdrestore_cfg_files
To restore all the InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux server objects that are found in one specific archive directory using archives encoded in en_US, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdrestore ––pdtemp=/tmp/server1_archive ––en_archive ––pdrestore_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -r -t /tmp/server1_archive ––en_archive ––pdrestore_cfg_files
To restore all the InfoPrint Manager for Windows server objects that are found in one specific archive directory using archives encoded in en_US, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdrestore ––pdtemp="C:\temp\server1_archive" ––en_archive ––pdrestore_cfg_filesor
ismu -p server1 -r -t "C:\temp\server1_archive" ––en_archive ––pdrestore_cfg_files
Rename objects with new server name
For Aix or Linux, if the target machine has a different server name than the one archive was created, then before restoring the objects, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdmodify_to=server_new_name ––pdtemp=/temp/server1_archiveor
ismu –p server1 –m server_new_name –t /temp/server1_archive
For Windows, if the target machine has a different server name than the one archive was created, then before restoring the objects, enter:
ismu ––pdname=server1 ––pdmodify_to=server_new_name ––pdtemp=”C:\temp\server1_archive”or
ismu –p server1 –m server_new_name –t ”C:\temp\server1_archive”