
Defines if the de-identification process is enabled for this server. When this process is enabled, InfoPrint Manager de-identifies the job and document attributes considered to provide sensitive information about the job content. InfoPrint Manager re-identifies the data for the job owner or for the authenticated user.

GUI label

De-identification method


Resettable, single-valued

Allowed Values

You can enter one of these fixed values:

Fixed Value Explanation
none The de-identification procedure is disabled.
job-data-de-identification The server de-identifies sensitive job information.

Default Value


Usage Guidelines

  • Use this attribute to enable or disable the de-identification process.
  • When the de-identification procedure is enabled, InfoPrint Manager encodes the values of these attributes: job-name, document-file-name, title-text and formatted-job-ticket-content.
  • The job owner and the authenticated login user are able to list job attributes as if they are not de-identified. Also, they receive the re-identified data via the select-email notification.
  • The de-identification procedure does not apply to SAP jobs.
  • When the de-identification procedure is enabled do not ask InfoPrint Manger to create symbolic links to the job files (using the pdpr command with the -l flag) as this provides access to the data you are trying to protect.
  • When the de-identification procedure is enabled and the job is processing on an Email DSS actual destination with the attribute maintain-original-filename set to true then the de-identified value of the original submitted file name is used for the file name email of the attachment.
  • The de-identification procedure applies to MVS jobs, but the MVS Download Receiver daemon can list identified document file names in the server error.log.
  • When the de-identification procedure is enabled and the job is processing on a PSF actual destination with the separator sheets set to job-ticket, the job ticket information is shown on the separator sheet.