Configuring MVS Download

The MVS Download feature of InfoPrint Manager uses a Destination Control File (DCF) to map Job Control Language (JCL) parameters to InfoPrint Manager submission parameters. A default DCF called mvsdmap.txt is provided with InfoPrint Manager; it is installed in the <install path>\var\pd\mvsd directory, where <install path> is the directory that you installed InfoPrint Manager in. MVS Download receives JCL parameters from the host system, applies the DCF to it, and generates a corresponding list of InfoPrint parameters. The list of InfoPrint parameters is then passed to the MVS Download Exit Program (or Exit) so InfoPrint Manager can process the job.

The MVS Download feature of InfoPrint Manager also invokes an Exit for every file received. This Exit is responsible for performing some action on the received file. One Exit is provided with InfoPrint Manager: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. The Exit submits the file to InfoPrint Manager using pdpr and logs any errors. The exit also stops the MVS Download receiver if the pdpr fails. Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 supports AFP Download Plus and multiple data set functions.

You must do these tasks to be able to print using the MVS Download feature of InfoPrint Manager:

  1. Create the InfoPrint destination or destinations that you want to submit your print jobs to.
  2. Make the AFP resources that you need to use for your print jobs available to InfoPrint Manager.
  3. [Optional]Modify the DCF.
  4. [Optional]Modify the Exit Program.
  5. Create an MVS Download receiver that will accept print jobs from the host and tie all of the other elements together.

All printing configurations must complete steps 1, 2, and 5. For information about creating destinations, see the RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Getting Started. See Making your AFP resources available to InfoPrint Manager for information about completing step 2. If you can use the sample DCF and Exit that are provided with InfoPrint Manager (the default configuration), you do not have to do steps 3 and 4. See Setting up a default MVS Download configuration for instructions on completing step 5 for the default configuration. You can use the default configuration if all of these conditions apply:

  1. On jobs that are sent to this MVS Download receiver, the DEST listed on the job when it is received from the host (converted to lowercase) identifies the InfoPrint actual or logical destination that the job should be submitted to

    Jobs with no DEST specified will be submitted to the InfoPrint actual or logical destination that you set as the default for this receiver.

  2. You do not use InfoPrint job scheduling functions based on media type.
  3. When submission of a print job fails (for example, because the server is stopped or because the DEST requested does not exist), you will accept the default action that the receiver automatically stops.
  4. You will not use the multiple data set function of MVS Download.
If you do not meet all of the criteria, you will need to modify the DCF, the Exit, or both. Some of the reasons that you would need to modify the DCF are:
  1. You want to use alternate attributes or no attributes for some mvs_keywords.
  2. You do not want the DCF to change the DEST value it receives to lowercase.
  3. You want to use InfoPrint job scheduling based on media type.
  4. You see that some of the MVS to InfoPrint mappings in the sample DCF are not what you want.
  5. You want to identify MVS job defaults that are not communicated from MVS (for example PAGEDEF).
  6. You want to identify InfoPrint submission parameters to use on all jobs (for example, the font resource directory on your Windows system).
  7. You use the multiple data set function of MVS Download.
See these sections for instructions on modifying your DCF and Exit, and creating an MVS Download receiver: