Printers are the RICOH ProcessDirector representations of your printer devices. You can do a variety of tasks for printers,
such as starting, stopping, enabling, and disabling them.
In this section:
- Customizing the Printers portletYou can change the Printers portlet so it shows only the printers that you work with frequently. You can sort the list of printers, and you can change the properties that are displayed.
- Viewing printer statusThe operational status of a printer device includes whether it is enabled, and the current condition that the printer hardware is reporting to RICOH ProcessDirector.
- Starting and stopping printersYou can start or stop a RICOH ProcessDirector printer. Starting a printer lets users send jobs to it. You can stop printing during or after the current job.
- Spacing a job on the printerIf you have a job on an AFP printer and need to reposition it to print again from an earlier page (backspace) or to skip pages and start printing at a later page (forwardspace), you can use the Jump to job action.
- Viewing and updating the media ready in printer input traysRICOH ProcessDirector uses SNMP and JMF to distinguish between the media that a printer supports and the media that is ready in its input trays. Supported media is not ready until it is loaded in an input tray. Unless your printer can automatically match media, update the ready media for the printer object when you load new media in the printer device.
- Shutting down printersYou can instruct RICOH ProcessDirector to end all processing for a printer and its assigned jobs and to disable the printer.
Related information:
Parent topic: Managing system objects