Viewing jobs

You can view the contents of any AFP or PDF job that is in the RICOH ProcessDirector system. When you view a job, you see it in your browser window.
The PDF viewers included with most browsers provide limited capabilities. If you use the standard PDF viewers, some functions (such as zoom and highlighting of search terms) might not be available. If you can configure your browser to use an Adobe PDF viewer, you can use additional functions.

  • Adobe PDF viewers are only supported on Windows operating systems. You can open and view files on computers that use different operating systems, but some of the functions of the Viewer are disabled.

To view an AFP or PDF job:
  1. In the Jobs table, right-click the job that you want to view and select View.
  2. Use the viewer controls to move through the job.
  3. Click Close.
  • The AFP viewer uses AFP fonts if it can find them in any of these places:
    1. Inline with the job
    2. In the directories specified by the AFP resource path job property, if the AFP Support feature is installed
    3. In C:\aiw\aiw1\resources
    4. In C:\Program Files (x86)\Ricoh\PSF\reslib

    If it cannot find the fonts, it uses a set of configuration files to map AFP fonts to Type 1 fonts when it converts files for viewing. Therefore, if an AFP job contains any fonts, including custom fonts, that are not in these places, you must make sure that mappings for those fonts are included in the configuration files. If a job uses mapped fonts, when you compare the displayed image with the final printed version, they might not be identical.

  • The AFP viewer does not apply any modifications in the form definition (such as print direction, constant back, and N_UP page positioning).

    If you have the Preprinted Forms Replacement feature, the CombineAFPWithForm step turns on the Constant Back flag when a media object includes an electronic form for the back side and the medium map specifies simplex printing. Those constant back pages are not included in the Total pages property for the job and are not displayed in the viewer.

  • The AFP viewer does not apply medium maps that are inserted between pages.
  • The AFP viewer does not find strings when certain code page properties are not set as expected.
  • The PDF viewer may not find text that includes a blank character when you search by String.
  • The viewer component cannot access resources stored in directories that have international characters, including double-byte characters, in their directory path names. If you store resources in directories that have accented or any other international characters in their directory paths, the viewer substitutes other characters for display purposes. The job might print correctly, even if it does not display correctly.

    To display the job using the correct resources, move the resources to a directory that does not have international characters in its path, or rename the existing directory to remove all international characters.