Advanced workflow features add complexity to your workflow system, so you can track
deadlines, manage groups of jobs as a unit, and connect to other applications using
The Deadline Tracker feature lets you manage your progress toward meeting your delivery deadlines. By
using deadlines and Service Level Agreement (SLA) job checkpoints, you can make sure
that your print jobs are on schedule to be completed on time. You can see when jobs
are behind schedule or might miss their deadlines. This information helps operators
prioritize work and take actions to bring jobs back on track for on-time delivery.
The Order Management feature introduces functions and objects that let you group individual jobs and process
them together efficiently. The feature supports both manual order creation and submission
of orders from ordering systems that can output or export orders as XML files.
This feature lets RICOH ProcessDirector objects and steps use Representational State Transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) to communicate with web services for applications. The RICOH ProcessDirector implementations of REST and SOAP support Extensible Markup Language (XML). The implementation
of REST also supports JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).