
Use this workflow to test how to submit a file that identifies a list of documents to pull from the sample PDF file before they print.

This sample workflow includes a Wait step and a SetDocPropsFromList step. The Wait step pauses the job for 60 seconds for demonstration purposes. In a production environment, the Wait step can be set to pause the job for a set period of time or until a specific time of day. The SetDocPropsFromList step uses the information from the sample pull list file to make sure the job is properly split to suppress the printing of the correct documents. The job also includes two paths, one for the parent job and one for the child jobs that the parent job creates.

The parent job enters the workflow and proceeds through steps that collect information about document boundaries and properties that are associated with each document in the job. Then the job enters the Wait step, where it pauses for 60 seconds. When processing resumes, the SetDocPropsFromList step checks the /aiw/aiw1/testfiles/pull directory for one or more pull list files. The sample pull list contains two account numbers. The SetDocPropsFromList step sets the Pull document property to YES for the documents that match the values in the pull list.

The GroupDocuments step identifies the group of documents to be pulled and the group to be printed based on the Pull document property. Based on that grouping, the CreateJobsFromDocuments step generates child jobs. The child jobs are resubmitted to the original workflow and follow the child job branch out of the SetJobPropsFromTextFile step. The SetDocPropsFromOriginal step copies the job properties from the parent job to the child job so they are not lost. The SetDocPropsFromConditions step uses the information in the sample property conditions file to assign a value to the Custom 1 job property that is used by the rules that send the child job to the Print or Pull branch.

The child jobs then move through their respective Print and Pull branches. At this point the parent job has moved to the WaitForRelatedJobs step and the Print child job progresses to the WaitForRelatedJobs step after printing. The Pull child job has a ManualStepWithAutoStart step. To move the Pull child job to the next step in the workflow, right-click the child job in the Jobs table and select Go to Next Step. Processing for this child job continues and all jobs, the parent job and both child jobs, enter the RetainCompletedJobs step.

The PullPDFSample workflow is shown below. The parent job flows along the path labeled Original job through the Wait and SetDocPropsFromList steps until it reaches the CreateJobsFromDocuments step where the child jobs are created. The parent job then proceeds to the WaitForRelatedJobs step where it waits for the child jobs to finish processing before moving on to the RetainCompletedJobs step.

The child jobs are resubmitted to the original workflow and flow down the path labeled Child job. At the CountPagesChild step the Print and Pull child jobs separate to their respective branches. The Print child job proceeds through to the WaitForRelatedJobs step where it waits for the Pull child job to finish its processing.

The Pull child job proceeds through its processing to the ManualStepWithAutoStart step. When you apply the Go to Next Step action, the Pull child job moves to the WaitForRelatedJobs step and then proceeds to the RetainCompletedJobs step to finish.

Phases and steps

The illustrations below show the sample workflow as a series of phases.

Receive and Prepare

Assemble, Print, and Complete