Planning how to process orders from your MarcomCentral store

In this procedure, you map MarcomCentral XML elements for orders and job tickets to RICOH ProcessDirector order and job properties. You decide how to supply the information required for RICOH ProcessDirector to process the items in an order. You also decide what criteria to use to report status to MarcomCentral.
To plan how to process orders from your MarcomCentral store:
  1. Review your MarcomCentral orders and decide which XML elements to map to RICOH ProcessDirector order and job properties.

    Later, you map the XML elements to order and job properties in an order property mapping object.

    For reference, this table lists the MarcomCentral XML elements for orders that are mapped to RICOH ProcessDirector order and job properties in the MarcomOrderSample property mapping object.

    XML element (XPath expression) Object type Property
    /Order/OrderNumber Order Order name (Order.Name)
    /Order/ID Order External order reference (Order.Reference)
    /Order/OrderDetails/OrderDetail/User/Name Order Customer name (Order.Customer)
    /Order/OrderDetails/OrderDetail/SKUDescription Order Description (Order.Description)
    /Order/OrderDetails/OrderDetail/Quantity Job Job copies requested (Job.Copies)
    /Order/OrderDetails/OrderDetail/OrderNumber Job MarcomCentral order number (Job.Marcom.OrderNumber)
    /Order/ID Job MarcomCentral order ID (Job.Marcom.OrderId)
    /Order/OrderDetails/OrderDetail/ID Job MarcomCentral job ticket (Job.Marcom.JobTicketId)
    /Order/OrderDetails/OrderDetail/ProductType Job MarcomCentral product type (Job.Marcom.ProductType)
    /Order/OrderDetails/OrderDetail/ProductName Job Job name (Job.Name)

    Keep in mind this information about RICOH ProcessDirector properties as you think about your mappings:

    • These order properties are supplied with the Order Management feature:
      • Copies (Order.Copies)
      • Customer (Order.Customer)
      • Description (Order.Description)
      • Due date (Order.DueDate)
      • External order reference (Order.Reference)
      • Order priority (Order.Priority)
      • Time zone (Order.DueTimezone)

      The values of Order priority, Customer, and Copies are copied into the corresponding job properties when a job is added to an order.

    • Two job properties for order information are supplied with the MarcomCentral Connect feature: MarcomCentral order number and MarcomCentral order ID.

    • Two job properties for job ticket information are supplied with the MarcomCentral Connect feature: MarcomCentral job ticket ID and MarcomCentral product type.

    • For a list of all job properties supplied with the base product, see the related reference about database property names for jobs.

    • RICOH ProcessDirector supplies a variety of generic job properties that can store text, integers, and numbers (including fractional numbers such as 8.5 or 9.725). These properties have names like Custom 1, Custom Integer 1, and Custom number 1.

      • If one workflow processes order jobs and another workflow processes ticket jobs, you can use a custom job property for different purposes in each workflow. For example, you can use the Custom 1 property for the shipping address of an order in the workflow for order jobs. You can use the Custom 1 property for the SKU description in the workflow for ticket jobs.

      • You cannot use the same custom job property for different purposes within the same workflow. For example, you use the Custom 1 property for the SKU description in the job ticket workflow. If you also use the Custom 1 property to provide packaging information in the job ticket workflow, the packaging information overwrites the SKU description.

    • If you prefer to create your own custom job properties, so you can use properties whose names are more recognizable in your environment, you can define them on the Administration tab.

    Create a table similar to the one below to record the MarcomCentral order elements to map to RICOH ProcessDirector order and job properties. Add as many rows as needed.

    Database name of job property User interface name of job property XML element for order
    Order.Reference MarcomCentral order ID ID
    Job.Marcom.OrderNumber MarcomCentral order number OrderNumber
    Job.Marcom.OrderId MarcomCentral order ID ID
    Job.Info.Attr1 Custom 1  
    Job.Info.Attr2 Custom 2  
    Job.Info.Integer1 Custom integer 1  

  2. Decide what criteria to use to report status to MarcomCentral.

    Consider whether you want to report status only for some workflows or items. You can use any job property or combination of job properties to trigger the notification to MarcomCentral.

    For example, the sample MarcomCloseoutOrder notification reports status when an order is ready to ship and the state of the order job has changed to Retained. The state of the order job does not change until the jobs for all the items in the order complete their processing.

After you plan how to process orders, you are ready to prepare to call MarcomCentral web services.