
Captures history information for the jobs that pass through the RepositorySample workflow.
If this notification object is enabled when the sample job provided with the Archive feature is submitted to the RepositorySample workflow, you can view the timestamp for each job state change for every step in the workflow when you retrieve the job or document from the archive. To view the history of a search result on the Archive tab, select the result and select the View details action. The History tab on the property notebook shows the job state changes. The property values and history information can also be exported to a CSV file using the Export to CSV function on the Results table.


Property Value
Notification description Captures job information when the Current job state property changes in the RepositorySample workflow.
Notification method History record


Property Value
Property Current job state
Action Changes to
Value Complete
Summary (Job.State CHANGES TO Complete)


Property Value
Apply any or all of the following conditions All
Property Workflow
Comparison =
Value RepositorySample
Summary Job.JobType = 'RepositorySample'