Compressing files

You can save disk space by compressing the files related to jobs.
To configure a workflow that compresses job files:
  1. Click the Workflow tab.
  2. Click the name of the workflow that you want to configure.
  3. Optional: Disable the workflow by clicking the switch to the left of the workflow name.
    If you do not disable the workflow while you edit it, jobs that use this workflow continue to move through steps. When you save, the workflow is momentarily disabled then enabled again. Jobs that are processing in the workflow could move into error.
  4. To compress all spool and checkpoint files for the job when the job is retained, see if the workflow has a step based on the RetainCompletedJobs step template. If it does not, add the step:
    1. In the workflow editor, click Step Templates in the top right corner of the window.
    2. Drag the RetainCompletedJobs step template into the workflow editor. Place the step where you want it.
    3. Connect the step to the other steps in the workflow.
    4. Right-click the step and select Properties.
    5. Click Job Defaults - General.
    6. Set the default value for the Compress all files job property to Yes.
    7. Click OK.
  5. To compress specific files at any time, add a step to the workflow based on the CompressFiles step template:
    1. In the workflow editor, click Step Templates in the top right corner of the window.
    2. Drag the CompressFiles step template into the workflow editor. Place the step where you want it.
    3. Connect the step to other steps in the workflow.
    4. Right-click the step and select Properties.
    5. Click Job Defaults - General.
    6. Set the value for the Compress file patterns job property to specify the files that you want to compress.
      • The value of Compress file patterns uses regular expression syntax:
        • Period (.) matches a single occurrence of any character (letter or number).
        • Asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character, up to the maximum file name length.
        • Backslash (\) is the escape character that means that the next character is interpreted literally.
        • Dollar sign ($) means that a match signifies the end of the expression.
      • Characters in the value are case-sensitive. For example, .*PDF$,.*AFP$ represent patterns that are different from .*pdf$,.*afp$.
      • Separate multiple patterns by commas; do not type a space between them.
      For example:
      • To compress all PDF files, including files with names like myfile.pdf.old, set the value to .*pdf,.*PDF.
      • To compress all PDF files, excluding files with names like myfile.pdf.old, set the value to .*pdf$,.*PDF$.
      • To compress all PDF files with ABC in the filename, such as draft_ABC.pdf and ABC1.pdf, set the value to .*ABC.*pdf,.*ABC.*PDF.
    7. Click OK.
  6. Save and enable the workflow.