
A step that is based on this step template uses a property mapping object to interpret a preferences file. The information in the preferences file is used to add or update one or more document property values in the document properties file (DPF).

When the step runs, it uses the settings in the property mapping object to determine:

  • Which property each column in the preferences file corresponds to.
  • Which properties are used to uniquely identify each document, both in the preferences file and in the DPF. The Usage value of these properties is set to Identify document in the property mapping section.
  • Which property values need to be updated with the information in the preferences file. The Usage value of these properties is set to Update property in the property mapping section.

The step then uses Identify document properties to match each entry in the preferences file with a document in the DPF. For each matching row, the values of the other properties listed in the table are updated.

Job property defaults

  • Preferences file:
  • Property mapping: Not set

Usage notes

  • This step must run after a step based on the IdentifyDocuments or IdentifyPDFDocuments step template.
  • The preferences file can contain columns that are not mapped to document properties. Columns that are not mapped are ignored.
  • If more than one document in the DPF matches the Identify document, the changes to the document properties are made to all matching documents in the DPF.
  • Each entry in the preferences file must have a unique combination of values for its Identify document properties. If more than one line has the same combination of values, the job is placed in an Error state and a message is written to the job log. The step stops reading the preferences file on the first occurrence of this error.
  • If an entry in the preferences file matches no documents in the DPF, the entry is skipped and no message is logged.
  • If there are documents in the DPF that do not have corresponding entries in the preferences file, any properties added by the ApplyPreferences step are also added to those documents with a value of null.
  • If the step does not make any changes to the DPF for a job, the step writes a warning message to the job log.
  • The function of this step is similar to the SetDocPropsFromList step template. The ApplyPreferences step can set multiple document properties, while the SetDocPropsFromList step template can only set one.