Security Update: Precautionary Measures Taken for RICOH Supervisor Customers

Sisense, a Ricoh vendor, has notified Ricoh of a security vulnerability related to Sisense software that is integrated with RICOH Supervisor.

After a thorough investigation and multiple discussions with Sisense, Ricoh has no reason to believe that any Ricoh customer’s data was compromised by this vulnerability. However, out of an abundance of caution and as part of our commitment to data security, Ricoh has completed all precautionary measures recommended by Sisense, including a reset of all Ricoh access credentials for the Sisense platform. No remedial action by any Ricoh customer is required or recommended.

Ricoh is dedicated to maintaining the security of our customers’ systems and data. Although we believe the reported vulnerability to be closed, Ricoh will continue to monitor the situation closely. We will provide updates as warranted.

Thank you for your continued trust in Ricoh.

Last updated: May 3, 2024