
The file maps an AFP character set to corresponding font attributes or an AFP font global identifier (FGID) to a corresponding Java font name and style. You can add custom AFP character sets to this file.

The sample file that you can edit is (AIX and Linux) or (Windows)


The file lets you specify which font attributes to use for custom AFP font character sets or which FGIDs to use for Java fonts.


Each line in the file has one of these formats:

  • characterset=fgid,height,width,strikeover,underline
    For example:
  • fgid=name,style
    For example:
    2304=Lucinda Sans Regular,PLAIN
The 8-character identifier for the AFP character set. The second character in standard AFP character set names indicates the character rotation. You can use a question mark (?) as a wildcard character for the second character of the character set name. The ? means that the identifier applies to all rotations.
Note: To change which Java font is used when an AFP character set is not mapped to a Java font, specify DEFAULT for the identifier of the AFP character set. If DEFAULT is specified for more than one entry in the file, the last entry is used.
A unique value in this range, 3840 to 4095 or 65260 to 65534, for the AFP font global identifier, which indicates the type family, typeface, and sometimes the point size of the character set.
The vertical size of the character expressed in tenths of a point. For example, a 9-point font has a height of 90. Valid values are whole numbers from 1 to 990.
The name of the corresponding Java font, such as: Lucida Bright, Lucida Sans Regular, or Lucida Sans Typewriter.
A font whose characters all have a line, parallel to the character baseline, placed over the middle of the character. The values are 0=No and 1=Yes.
The style of the Java font. Valid values are: BOLD, BOLD|ITALIC, ITALIC, and PLAIN.
A font whose characters all have a line, parallel to the character baseline, placed under the character. The values are 0=No and 1=Yes.
The average horizontal size of the characters in 1440th of an inch. Valid values are whole numbers from 1 to 99; however, the value is currently ignored.

Syntax rules

  • Start each line in column one.
  • A pound sign (#) in column one indicates the line is a comment.
  • All values are case-sensitive.
  • All parameters are positional.
  • Blanks are not allowed unless the font name contains a blank (for example, Lucida Bright).