White space

White space is the area on a page that does not contain any text. You can define white space in AFP files by choosing known white space on a page or by searching for the first available white space in a page group.

When Whitespace Manager searches for white space on a page, it looks on the logical page for areas without text blocks. Areas with overlays, page segments, barcodes, and images are considered available white space.

When you create a white space definition, you use these options to select the pages in the page group where you want the white space defined:

  • This page
  • This and following pages
  • Last page

For known white space definitions, you can create one area of known white space for each page in a page group using This page or Last page. This equates to a total of n definitions, where n is the number of pages in a page group. For white space definitions from a search, you can create one area of white space for each page in a page group using This page, one area of white space using This and following pages, and one area of white space using Last page. This equates to a total of n + 2 definitions. Therefore, the maximum number of white space definitions that Whitespace Manager lets you create is:

2n + 2
For example, if a page group has three pages, you can create 3 definitions for known white space and 3 + 2 definitions for white space definitions from a search. Therefore, the maximum number of white space definitions allowed is:
(2 x 3) + 2 = 8
If you try to create more than the allowed number of white space definitions on a page, you see the message "No more white space definitions are allowed for this page."

When you create a white space definition, you also choose the origin and size of the area for the white space. If you are searching for available white space on a page, you decide on a minimum width and height for the white space area that you want Whitespace Manager to look for (at least 0.5 inches or 12.7 millimeters). Whitespace Manager searches for the largest white space area on a page that meets the minimum dimensions specified. When Whitespace Manager finds white space that meets the specifications on that page, it stops the search.

White space definition results shows how Whitespace Manager creates white space definitions based on the page options that you select.

White space definition results

White space definition Page option Result
Known white space This page Whitespace Manager creates a white space definition on the current page of the page group and displays the white space as a colored box. If a white space definition was previously found on the page from a search, the known white space definition takes precedence and is displayed in the user interface. This option is only available if a known white space area has not been defined on the current page.
Last page Whitespace Manager creates a white space definition on the last page of the page group and displays the white space as a colored box. If a white space definition was previously found on the page from a search, the known white space definition takes precedence and is displayed in the user interface.

You might want to create a Last page definition instead of This page when the page groups contain a variable number of pages and you want the white space to always be on the last page.

This option is only available if the current page is the last page in the page group and a known white space area has not been defined on the page.

White space from a search This page Whitespace Manager creates a white space definition on the current page of the page group and displays the white space as a colored box unless:
  • A known white space area is already defined on the page.
  • No white space area meets the specified dimensions.
This option is only available if white space from a search has not already been defined using This page.
This and following pages Whitespace Manager searches the current page and all pages that follow in the page group, creates a definition on the first page where it finds white space, and then displays the white space as a colored box. It does not display a white space box if:
  • A known white space area is already defined on a page.
  • No white space area meets the specified dimensions.


  1. This option is only available if white space from a search has not already been defined using This and following pages.
  2. You must display each page in the page group to see if a white space box is created on a page.

Last page Whitespace Manager creates a white space definition on the last page of the page group and then displays the white space as a colored box unless:
  • A known white space area is already defined on the page.
  • No white space area meets the specified dimensions.

You might want to create a Last page definition instead of This page when the page groups contain a variable number of pages and you want the white space to always be on the last page.

This option is only available if the current page is the last page in the page group and if white space from a search has not already been defined using Last page.

Keep in mind that not all the white space definitions that you create are displayed in the user interface because Whitespace Manager follows these rules for determining which white space definition is displayed on a page:

  • Only one white space definition is displayed per page.
  • A known white space definition is displayed before white space that was defined from a search.

If you delete a known white space definition, white space defined from a search can be displayed on a page.