Configuration Settings when Using the Pull Print Feature with an Equitrac Server

This section describes how to configure your Equitrac server to work with the InfoPrint Manager Pull Print Feature and with the LDAP server. For more detailed information on how to configure and use Equitrac, consult the Equitrac documentation.

Equitrac server configuration

If you want to use the InfoPrint Manager Pull Print Feature through an Equitrac server, make sure that you have Equitrac Office\Express version 4.2.6 installed on your computer. You must configure the Equitrac server to work with InfoPrint Manager:

  1. Go to Start -> Equitrac Office\Express -> System Manager. Select accounting server and click Connect.
  2. Go to Devices and select Add external print queue device from the left pane under Current tasks, or right-click on the Physical Device and select Add external print queue device from the menu.
  3. Enter the required information in the External print queue window:
    • Name: Enter a name for your print queue.
    • Server: Select an Equitrac server from the drop-down list.
    • Type: Select InfoPrint from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the Add button to add a source server URI. In the pop-up window enter your IPM hostname and port: http://IPMServerName_or_IPAddress:14080/ipmnx and click OK.
  5. Click OK to save the created External print queue.

Configuring user authentication

To configure your user authentication settings:

  1. Go to Start -> Equitrac Office\Express -> System Manager. Select accounting server and click Connect.
  2. Go to Configuration and from Security and authentication click User authentication.
  3. In the User authentication window:
    • In the Authentication mechanisms section check the External user ID and password option.
    • In the Authentication options section check the Auto-register primary PINs option.
  4. Click OK to save the settings.

Configuring LDAP user authentication

To configure your LDAP user authentication:

  1. Go to Start -> Equitrac Office\Express -> System Manager. Select accounting server and click Connect.
  2. Go to Configuration and from Security and authentication click External authentication.
  3. In the External authentication window make sure the LDAP section is enabled and enter the required information:
    • Server name: Enter the server hostname or IP Address.
    • Port: Enter port number.
    • Type: Select the authentication type from the drop-down list.
      • Check Force SSL option if you want to use the Security Layer.
      • Make sure that the Use LDAP version 3 option is checked.

    In the Authentication method area select the Lookup then bind method and enter the required information:

    • Search filter: Add this: (|(uid=%value%)(mail=%value%)) in the textbox. This way you can authenticate on the printer (PCC) using either the uid or the email address. For example you can add cn (Common name) as another login key by adding this in the Search filter field: (|(uid=%value%)(mail=%value%)(cn=%value%)).
    • Scope: Set the scope by selecting One level from the drop-down list.
    • Base DN: Enter the path where the users are located: ou=EquitacUsers,o=DOMAIN,c=COM.
    • User ID field for match: Enter the attribute you want to use as the authenticated login. For example, if jobs are sent from an InfoPrint Manager client using mail as the authenticated login, you must enter mail in the required field. If you send jobs from an InfoPrint Manager client using uid as authenticated login and mail is set on User ID field for match, when you authenticate on the PCC, you can't see the jobs on the printer.
    Note: Make sure that the Anonymous login/As service login option is checked.

  4. Click Test button to verify if the LDAP authentication succeeded. Add one of the LDAP attributes for which the LDAP login was configured, enter the password and press the Lookup button. If authentication is successful, you should see a message similar to ldap_simple_bind_sW succeeded.
  5. Click OK to save the settings.