Configuring the Pull Print Feature Web Application to Work with the InfoPrint Manager System

The Pull Print Feature Web application connects to the InfoPrint Manager system the same way as an InfoPrint Manager GUI or client. The Web application looks for the Pull Print actual destinations feeding a printer in that system. You might want to connect the Pull Print Web application to the same command processor that you use for your InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI.

If you have not configured the host name or the IP address and the port number of the InfoPrint Manager server for the Pull Print Web application to connect to at the InfoPrint ManagerPull Print Feature installation time, or you need to change these values, you need to use the IPMMI (Linux), SMIT (AIX), or MMC (Windows) interface to set the IP addresses and ports of the primary and backup servers.

To change the Pull Print Feature settings on an AIX system:

  1. Stop the Web server first. To stop the Web server go to SMIT -> InfoPrint Printing System -> InfoPrint Utilities -> Web Server -> Stop WebServer. Stopping the InfoPrint Manager Web Server causes all the Web applications to stop.
  2. Add or change the Pull Print Feature settings. To add or change the Pull Print Feature