Customizing an SAP daemon error log on AIX or Linux

By default, the SAP daemon error logs (SAP Callback) start when you create them. When you create an SAP Callback daemon, InfoPrint Manager creates an SAP directory (sapcbd.sysname, where sysname is the SAP application server) under /var/pd for each daemon. Use this procedure to customize the SAP error log:

Note: Any SAP daemons running on this AIX or Linux server are changed by this customization.

  1. Find the sap_error.cfg file from the /usr/lpp/pd/bin directory where the file is installed and copy it into the /var/pd directory:
    cp /usr/lpp/pd/bin/sap_error.cfg /var/pd/sap_error.cfg
    Note: If you already customize your SAP daemon error logs, remember to change the name or move the current sap_error.cfg file in /var/pd so that your customization values can be copied over into the newer version of the file.