Selecting event report levels
This procedure describes how you can specify the level of events that the callback daemon reports for jobs submitted through InfoPrint Manager:
- From the SAP R/3 graphical user interface, modify the logical
output management system (LOMS) definitions by specifying the
transaction. - From the Spool Administration: Initial Screen window, click Extended admin and click Logical OMS from the Output Management Systems pane to obtain a list of the logical output management systems (LOMS) available on your installation.
- From the Spool Administration: List of Logical Output Management Systems window, select IPM001 LOMS and click Choose (checkmark with a clock).
- From the Spool Administration: Logical Output Management (Display) window, click Change (red pencil).
- From the Spool Administration: Logical Output Management
(Change) window displayed below, specify a value for the Event
report level field in the SAP configuration tab. Use the menu
field to select the most appropriate value for your installation.
When you have finished, be sure to save your changed LOMS definition by clicking the Save folder icon.