Shutting down the callback daemon on Linux
This procedure describes how you can shut down the SAP callback daemon. This procedure is useful if you are migrating the SAP callback daemon from one InfoPrint Manager server to another or if the SAP R/3 system it supports is not going to be used for awhile.
From a Linux command line on the system where the SAP callback daemon is currently running, type:
stopcbd systemnamewhere systemname is your three-character SAP R/3 system name.
From the InfoPrint Manager Management Interface:
- Select the SAP Callback daemon you want to stop.
- Right-click on it and select Stop.
If you do not want a reboot of the system to restart the SAP callback daemons, remove its entry from the /etc/rc.iprsap.daemons file. If you remove its entry from the file, you do not have to do this task.
To make sure that no SAP callback daemons are restarted automatically whenever the systems they are running on are restarted, go to Applications → InfoPrint Manager → Management Interface → Options ->Configuration.
From the Configuration panel, do not check Automatically start SAP Callback daemons during startup option.
If you are moving the SAP callback daemon to another system, remember to follow the instructions for both Starting the SAP callback daemon or process and Configuring to start callback daemons at system reboot on Linux.