Defining a customized device type

An SAP device type is a collection of table entries that you can access and modify online to describe the fonts, the printer driver to use to create the data, and the formats that can be used for SAPscript printing. Every output device must have a device type that is used to process the output document. An actual destination can have many output devices, with different device types for each one.

For basic printing, the SAP transform can use existing device types (such as SAPGOF) and existing formats, such as LETTER or X_65_255. However, if you plan on customizing any of these print characteristics, you should create a customized device type so that you will not loose data when you upgrade your SAP R/3 system.

To create a customized device type, an SAP R/3 administrator must do this procedure from the SAP R/3 graphical user interface:

  1. From the R/3 main menu, access the Spool Administration window by selecting Tools main menu and then selecting the Tools → Administration → Spool → Spool Administration path or typing /nSPAD in the ok-Code field.
  2. From the Spool Administration window, select Utilities → Copy device type pull-down option.
  3. From the Copy Device Type window, specify the device type you want to customize (in this case, SAPGOF) in the Copy device type field and provide a name for your customized Device Type (in this case, ZDOCGOF) in the to device type field.