pdq command: queries job status


pdq [-H host:port] [-f "FilterCriteria"] [{-d | -p} DestinationName] [-F] [-g] [-j] 
[-r attribute …] [-s StyleName] [-U] 
[-x "attribute=value …"] [-X AttributesFileName] 
[LocalJobID[.DocNumber] … | GlobalJobID[.DocNumber] …]

pdq -h


Use the pdq command to list the status of some or all jobs submitted to a logical destination or assigned to an actual destination.

With InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux, if you omit both the LocalJobID and the GlobalJobID and do not name a destination, InfoPrint lists all the jobs in the queue associated with the default logical destination, as defined by the PDPRINTER environment variable.

If you do not specify a value for the -r flag or the command attribute requested-attributes, the pdq command defaults to the value brief. By default, you can list the attribute values only for the jobs you submit.

InfoPrint lists the jobs in the order in which the queue considers them for printing.

You can use the filtering option so that InfoPrint returns status only for some jobs. The jobs have a predefined value for the filter that is equal to the job attribute user-name; InfoPrint sets this value to your login identity when you submit a job.


You can use these flags with the pdq command:


Identifies the host and port of the InfoPrint Manager server used for communication. When not specified, the command follows the Configuration logic to define the host and socket.

Queries all jobs in the queue associated with this destination, or all jobs assigned to this actual destination. The results depend on the destination realization and the value of the queue attribute assign-to-destination, as shown in the table.

Results of the pdq Command

Destination Realization assign-to-destination pdq Returns
Logical true or false All jobs in the queue associated with the logical destination
Actual true All jobs assigned to the actual destination
Actual false All jobs in the queue associated with the actual destination
Specifies the filter selection criteria that you want to use for the jobs. Among the jobs, InfoPrint returns only those matching the filter expression.

Using this flag is equivalent to specifying the command attribute filter.

Turns off all filtering, both specified and default. See the -U flag for only turning the default filter off.
Turns off headings.

Using this flag is equivalent to specifying the command attribute headings=false.

Returns only the job attributes.
Same as -dDestinationName.
-r {brief | verbose | archive | "attribute …" | all | none} DEFAULT=brief
Specifies the group of attributes you want to display.
Displays a small subset of important attributes for each object.
Displays a larger subset of important attributes for each object.
Writes only initially settable and resettable attributes to an archive file.
attribute …
Displays the attributes you specify.
Displays all attributes.
Displays no attributes.

If you specify more than one of these values, InfoPrint displays all the attributes requested.

Using this flag is equivalent to specifying the command attribute requested-attributes.

-s {column | doccol | line} DEFAULT=column
Specifies the format in which you want InfoPrint to display the attributes.
Attribute values are displayed in tabular format, so that values of the same attribute for multiple objects line up in columns.
For jobs only, job attribute values and the document attribute values for the first document in the job are displayed in column format on the same line.
Each attribute is displayed on a separate line.

Using this flag is equivalent to specifying the command attribute style.

Suppresses the default user-name filter.
-x"attribute=value …"
Consists of a single attribute string, containing one or more attribute and value pairs.
Specifies the name of a file containing attribute and value pairs that you want InfoPrint to insert at the current point in the command.

Using this flag is equivalent to specifying the command attribute attributes.

Displays a command-specific help message containing information about command syntax and flags. If you use this flag with any other flag or attribute, InfoPrint recognizes only the -h flag.

Configuration logic

The command determines which server host and server port to use based on this sequence:

  1. Server host and server port specified with the -H parameter.
  2. Server host and server port specified with the PDHOST and PD_SOCKET envirnonment variables.
  3. Uses the defaults for PDHOST=localhost and PD_SOCKET=6874.
Note: This configuration logic enables multiple commands to run on a single machine communicating with one or more InfoPrint Manager servers.

Command attributes

You can specify these attributes in a -x "attribute=value …" string or in an attributes file designated with the -X AttributesFileName flag.

Specifies the designated attributes file that InfoPrint reads and inserts at the current point in the command. This file contains attribute and value pairs that InfoPrint uses to expand the command.
Specifies the filter selection criteria you want used if you request attribute values for multiple objects. InfoPrint selects only some of the candidate jobs based on the filtering criteria. A filter is a logical expression consisting of relationships between attributes and attribute values. Among the specified jobs, InfoPrint only returns those whose attribute values match the filter expression.

The filter command attribute functions the same way for the pdq command as for the pdls command.

headings={true | false} DEFAULT=true
Specifies whether you want InfoPrint to display headings for the requested attributes.
requested-attributes={brief | verbose | archive | "attribute …" | all | none} DEFAULT=brief
Specifies the group of attributes you want to display.
Displays a small subset of important attributes for each object.
Displays a larger subset of important attributes for each object.
Writes only initially settable and resettable attributes to an archive file.
attribute …
Displays the attributes you specify.
Displays all attributes.
Displays no attributes.

If you specify more than one of these values, InfoPrint displays all the attributes requested.

style={column | doccol | line} DEFAULT=column
Specifies the presentation format in which you want InfoPrint to display the attributes.
Attribute values are displayed in tabular format, so that values of the same attribute for multiple objects line up in columns.
For jobs only, job attribute values and the document attribute values for the first document in the job are displayed in column format on the same line.
Each attribute is displayed on a separate line.


Use the argument value to identify the specific object for which you want the status. If you specify multiple objects, separate the object names with spaces.

You can use these arguments with the pdq command:

Specifies the job or documents you want InfoPrint to list as determined by a local ID or a local ID and document number. If you specify multiple arguments on the command line, separate the arguments with spaces.
Specifies the job or documents you want InfoPrint to list as determined by a global ID or a global ID and document number. If you specify multiple arguments on the command line, separate the arguments with spaces.

With InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux, if you omit the -dDestinationName or -pDestinationName flag and the LocalJobID or GlobalJobID argument, InfoPrint lists all of the jobs in the queue associated with your default logical destination, defined by your PDPRINTER environment variable.


  • Query all jobs on the default logical destination with InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux

    To list all your jobs sent to your default logical destination Dsrv-lp, enter the command:


    InfoPrint displays information similar to:

                                            Intervening  Destination Destin 
    Job  ID              Name   State       Jobs         Requested   Assign 
    ---  --------------- ------ ----------  -----------  ----------- ------ 
    13   spl4:1104221000 File1  processing  0            Dsrv-lp     Dsrv-p 
    14   spl4:1105226030 JobA   pending     7            Dsrv-lp 
    15   spl4:1133000058 MyJob  pending     8            Dsrv-lp

    Note: If you enter the command:
    pdq -U
    InfoPrint displays status information for all jobs in the queue associated with your default logical destination.
  • Query all your jobs on a logical destination

    To list all jobs that you sent to logical destination dizzy-lp, enter the command:

    pdq -d dizzy-lp

  • Query all users' jobs on a logical destination

    To list all jobs that any user sent to logical destination dizzy-lp, enter the command:

    pdq -U -d dizzy

  • Query all your jobs assigned to an actual destination

    To list all jobs that you submitted and that InfoPrint assigned to actual destination proof-pp, enter the command:

    pdq -p proof-pp

    Note: If the value of assign-to-destination is false for the queue associated with proof-pp, InfoPrint lists all your jobs in the queue.

Suggested reading in hardcopy

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