pdset command: defines attribute values
pdset [-H host:port] [-c ObjectClass] [-g] [-m "MessageText"] [-r "attribute …"] [-s StyleName] [-x "attribute=value …"] [-X AttributesFileName] {ServerName … | ServerName:AuxiliarySheetName … | ServerName:DefaultDocumentName … | ServerName:DefaultJobName … | [ServerName:]DestinationName … | ServerName:LogName … | ServerName:MediumName … |[ServerName:]QueueName … | ServerName:ResourceContextName … | ServerName:TransformName … | LocalJobID … | GlobalJobID …} pdset -h
Use the pdset administrative command to define or modify the values of object attributes.
If SNMPv1 is enabled on an actual destination and the snmp-write-community-name attribute on the actual destination is set properly, you can set information directly on the device associated with the actual destination by setting device-specific actual destination attributes. If SNMPv3 is enabled on an actual destination and the snmpv3-username attribute on the actual destination is set properly, you can set information directly on the device associated with the actual destination by setting device-specific actual destination attributes. For more information about device-specific attributes, see “About SNMP communication” in the RICOH InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Procedures, RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Linux: Procedures, or RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Procedures. For a description of the individual device-specific actual destination attributes, see InfoPrint Manager object attributes.
You must disable an actual destination before you can modify its attributes. However, you do not need to disable an actual destination to change values for device-specific information, such as the device-contact or device-location attributes.
You cannot set actual destination and device-specific attributes in the same pdset command.
For more information about device-specific attributes, see “Working with SNMP Printers” in RICOH InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Procedures, RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Linux: Procedures, or RICOH InfoPrint Manager for Windows: Procedures.
The next table lists the four modification operators.
pdset operators
Operator | Syntax | Description |
Replace | attribute=value | Replaces the entire value of the attribute with value or adds the attribute to the object, if not already present. |
Add values | attribute+=value | Adds the value to the attribute. You cannot add values to single-valued attributes. InfoPrint honors an add request that duplicates values on a multi-valued attribute without warning. |
Remove values | attribute-=value | Removes the value from the attribute. InfoPrint ignores a remove request for a nonexistent value, without warning or error. A remove |