Performance considerations with the Direct Download method

The performance of the download receiver/daemon on the InfoPrint Manager server decreases when using the Direct download function. The Direct download support can be enabled or disabled from the host (see AFP Download Plus guide for further reference).

Note: When enabled, there is an impact upon the throughput of the file from the beginning of file reception across TCP/IP until first page is printed. Also, the CPU and disk usage may increase during the operation.

The memory usage is not expected to be affected.

Using Direct download causes additional temporary files in the download working directory. You must ensure that you have sufficient space in the file system where the download working directories reside.

If the download working directories are in the same file system as the InfoPrint Manager spool (/var/pd), no additional file system space is required.

If the download working directories are in a different file system as the InfoPrint Manager spool, ensure that you have sufficient space for twice the amount of data in the working directories.