Improving performance in the PDF RIP

You can improve the performance of the PDF RIP by configuring it to run parts of itself in parallel. These changes improve the performance of the core RIP; for improving performance by running multiple PDF RIPs on a multi-processor, see Using the PDF Parallel RIP. If you have a multi-processor server, make the changes described below to the PDF RIP daemon configuration file (ps2afpd.cfg) that are shown below in boldface text in Sample High Performance PDF Daemon configuration file using CPSI processing engine.

  1. PDF RIP is only available with Adobe CPSI.
  2. If your InfoPrint server has only a single processor, you should not make these configuration changes because they would result in reduced performance.
  3. Both -pragma bwModel=banded and -pragma beThread=yes can also improve performance of the PostScript RIP.
  4. If you are processing double-byte fonts (for example, with Kanji printing), you must set pdfParallel=no.

Sample High Performance PDF Daemon configuration file using CPSI processing engine

# ps2afpd configuration file

# KEYWORD                                                      PURPOSE

port = 8251              #                    which TCP/IP port to use

work_directory = /var/psf/ps2afp
                         #            directory to put work files into
log_file = /var/psf/ps2afp/ps2afpd.log
                         #                 where to write log messages
log_size = 100           #                      maximum log size in KB

notify = root            #       who to notify if problems encountered
mail_command = /bin/mail
                         #          program used to send notifications
ps_program = /usr/lpp/psf/bin/ps2afpi
                         #      name of PostScript interpreter program
ps_init_file = /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/
                         #              name of PostScript interpreter
                         #                         initialization file
ps_files_path = /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp :\
                /usr/lpp/psf/config :\
                         #            path to search for jobInit files

ps_max_memory = 96000K   #               maximum amount of memory that
                         #         PostScript uses; the 'K' is ignored

ps_job_timeout = 9999    #                   maximum number of minutes
                         #                   to process PostScript job
ps_server_timeout = 360  #                   maximum number of minutes
                         #                   server waits between jobs

ps_font_map_files = /usr/lpp/psf/ps/ :\
                         #                  list of font mapping files

ps_width = 8.5i          #                    width of generated image
ps_length = 11i          #                   length of generated image
ps_x_offset = 0i         #                      left and right margins
ps_y_offset = 0i         #                      top and bottom margins
ps_resolution = 300      #                resolution of target printer
ps_output_type = IO1_G4  #               type of AFP image to generate
#following three parameters will apply only if threshsmall specified
ps_imgsmall = 0.5i       #                  default value for imgsmall
ps_linesmall = 0.5i      #                 default value for linesmall
ps_txtsmall = 0.5i       #                  default value for txtsmall
#ps_is = 1                #                 the is afp compliance flag
ps_compress_type = jpeg-sub  # JPEG subsampled compression.\
Other options: jpeg, lzw
pragma = pdfParallel=yes ;\
         beThread=yes    ;\