Backing up your InfoPrint Manager for Windows install directories
- Stop job submissions to the InfoPrint Manager server from all of your locations.
- Complete printing all jobs, if possible, or delete them.
- Close the InfoPrint Manager Administration and Operations GUIs, including those on your remote systems, if they are open.
- Shut down the InfoPrint Manager Server. Using the InfoPrint Manager Management Console, go to File → Stop Server.
- Clean up segment files. Using the InfoPrint Manager Management Console, go to Debug → Clean Up Leftover Input Manager Files, and close the Management Console.
- Use your local backup procedures to backup the install directories, any directories
that have been moved out from under the install directories, and the Windows registry.
This key and sub-keys must be restorable:
Note: In a multi-server environment, all servers must be backed up and upgraded at the same
time, including AIX servers.