agspdld utility: starts the agspdld daemon


agspdld [-C ConfigurationFile]


Use the agspdld utility to start the agspdl daemon. The agspdl daemon manages the AGSPDL processor portion of the InfoPrint PDF and PostScript transform programs. You must start the agspdl daemon somewhere on the network before you can use the AGSPDL processor with the ps2afp or pdf2afp command to transform PDF and PostScript data streams for printing on IPDS printers.

The startsrv or start_server utility automatically starts the agspdl daemon if it is installed and not running.

If the agspdl daemon stops running, you can restart it by issuing the following command:

agspdld -C /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/agspdld.cfg

InfoPrint Manager uses the agspdl daemon configuration file to determine the default parameters of the agspdl daemon. The /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/agspdld.cfg file is installed with InfoPrint Manager, and InfoPrint Manager uses it as the default configuration file. You can, however, copy the configuration file, use an editor to edit the copy of the file, and rename it so that you can customize the agspdl daemon for your applications. After you make the modifications, you specify the new configuration file with the -C flag of the ps2afp transform command when you transform PDF and PostScript files.

AGSPDL supports only job level changes to the configuration files. Other changes must be accompanied by a daemon restart to come into effect.


The agspdl daemon utility uses the following flag:

-C ConfigurationFile
Specifies the configuration file InfoPrint Manager uses with the transform. The value is:
A valid configuration file name. If you do not specify a file, InfoPrint Manager uses the file /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/agspdld.cfg.

Configuration file keywords and values

The agspdl transform daemon configuration file can contain the following keywords:

port={8254 | PortNumber}DEFAULT=8254
Specifies which TCP/IP port to use.


This is the default port number.

work_directory={/var/psf/agspdl | PathName}
Specifies the path to the directory where the transform daemon puts its work files. The transform daemon must have read, write, and execute permissions to this directory. The transform daemon is owned by the root user, but runs as daemon, and is in the printq group.
Note: Only one agspdld can use the work_directory at a time. It cannot be shared.


This is the default work directory.
This is a directory path.

log_file={/var/psf/agspdl/agspdl.log | PathName}
Specifies the file in which the transform daemon logs errors and messages when it converts a data stream from PDF or PostScript to an AFP data stream.


This is the default log file.
This is the full path name of a log file.

log_size={1024 | Size}DEFAULT=1024
Specifies in kilobytes how large the log file can get before it is renamed <log_file>.bak and a new empty log file is used.


This is the default value.

ps_font_directory= {/var/psf/agspdl/Resource | PathName}
Specifies the paths for the directories where the resource files for the AGSPDL print engine transforms are located.


This is the default directory.
This is the directory path.

ps_output_type={ IO1_G4 | Value} DEFAULT=IO1_G4
Specifies the type of AFP image to generate.


This is the default value.

ps_width={ 8.5i | Value} DEFAULT=8.5i
Specifies the width of generated image.


This is the default value.

ps_length={11i | Value} DEFAULT=11i
Specifies the length of generated image.


This is the default value.

ps_resolution={300 | Value} DEFAULT=300
Specifies the resolution of target printer.


This is the default value.

agspdl_is ={1 | Value} DEFAULT=1
Specifies the interchange set version.


This is the default value.

agspdl_compress_type ={lzw | jpeg | jpeg-sub} DEFAULT=lzw
Enables LZW or JPEG compression.


This value is used for LZW compression and unsubsampled files. This is the default value.
This value is used for JPEG compression and unsubsampled files.
This value is used for JPEG compression and subsampled files.

agspdl_page_size_control ={ArtBox | BleedBox | CropBox | TrimBox}
Used with the pdf2afp transform processing engines to aid the positioning of content on the requested media in accordance with the intention of the PDF file creator.


Specifies the ArtBox for the PDF file.
Specifies the BleedBox for the PDF file.
Specifies the CropBox for the PDF file.
Specifies the TrimBox for the PDF file.


  • To restart the agspdl daemon with the default configuration file, enter:
    agspdld -C /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/agspdld.cfg
    1. If you have not set the PATH environment variable to include /usr/lpp/psf/bin, you must enter the path name with the agspdld daemon.
    2. Anyone can start the agspdl daemon, but only a person with root user authority can stop it.
  • To restart the agspdl daemon with the configuration file myfile.cfg, which resides in the directory /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp, enter:
    agspdld -C /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/myfile.cfg


Artifex GhostPDL transforms daemon
PostScript transform executable
PDF transform executable (linked to /usr/lpp/psf/bin/ps2afp)
agspdl daemon configuration file
ps2afp command configuration file