Using font-mapping files with the ps2afp or pdf2afp command

By default, InfoPrint uses the font-mapping file when you enter the ps2afp or the pdf2afp command; you do not have to specify the name of the default font-mapping file with the command.

To use font-mapping files that you have created when you issue the ps2afp command, you must:

  • Enter the path and name of the font-mapping file as the value of the ps_font_map_files keyword in the transform daemon configuration file, which is named ps2afpd.cfg and located in the install_path\ps2afp\ folder. For performance reasons, this is the recommended method. You can specify more than one font-mapping file, if necessary. Separate the font-mapping files with colons.

    For example, to specify the font-mapping files and, enter:

    ps_font_map_files=c:\path\; c:\path\

  • Enter the path and name of the font-mapping file as the value of the ps_font_map_files transform command configuration file. Use the same syntax as described for entering the value in the transform daemon configuration file. Using this method can result in significant performance degradation.
  • Specify the font-mapping file, including its path name, from the command line using the -F flag of the ps2afp or the pdf2afp command. You can specify multiple files using multiple -F flags; InfoPrint concatenates them from left-to-right (first entered to last entered) in that order:
    ps2afp -F c:\path\ -F C:\path2\
    This method can also result in degraded performance.
  • If the path to the font mapping file contains blanks, you must surround the qualified pathname in double-quotes:
    ps2afp -F"D:\Program Files\ps\"

    Do not enclose a path that contains spaces in quotes(""); the transform will fail with incorrect font mapping file errors.

  • To specify two mapping files in a command, you must make sure that each file's full pathname is specified, as in these examples:
    ps2afp -F"D:\Program Files\ps\; D:\Program Files\ps\"
    ps2afp -F"D:\Program Files\ps\" -F"D:\Program Files\ps\"
  • If you do not specify a drive letter, but expect the transform to find a mapping file using a relative path, the default drive is based on the install_path because that is where the ps2afp executables reside.

    If your file is on the D: drive, the command line is on the C: drive, and the product is installed on the E: drive, InfoPrint attempts to use the E:\ font mapping file:

    C:\> ps2afp -oout.afp -F\ d:\
    However, if your specify this command, InfoPrint attempts to use the C:\ps\files\ font mapping file:
    C:\ps\files> ps2afp -oout.afp -F\ d:\

If you create your own font mapping file -- either by using the mkfntmap command or manually -- and the path to the fonts contains blanks, the font mapping file needs to double-quote the paths as well. For example, if your fonts reside in E:\Program Files\ps\fonts , the font-mapping file could have any of these variations:


"E:\Program Files\ps\fonts"


AvantGarde-Book AvantGarde-Book


AvantGarde-Book "E:\Program Files\ps\fonts\AvantGarde-Book"
Note: You can use either the ps2afp -F or the pdf2afp -F command flag or the ps_font_map_files keyword in the transform command configuration file to specify a font-mapping file. If the value from those three sources is different than that specified in the transform daemon configuration file, the transform daemon restarts the PostScript interpreter so that the new value for the font-mapping file takes effect for that one job. However, restarting the PostScript interpreter decreases performance, because the interpreter is restarted again with the font-mapping file in the configuration file for the very next PostScript job.