Using the 'no resident' version of the sample grid files

There can be situations when you do not want InfoPrint Manager to use printer-resident fonts.

If you do not have customized GRID files and want to use the 'no resident' version of the sample grid files shipped with InfoPrint Manager, complete this procedure:

  1. From a DOS prompt:
    cd <install path>\var\psf\PrinterName
    Where PrinterName is the name of the InfoPrint physical printer that represents the actual printer device.
  2. Create the charset.grd file from the charset.grd.nores file:
    copy <install path>\lpp\psf\grd\charset.grd.nores charset.grd
  3. Create the codepage.grd file from the codepage.grd.nores file:
    copy <install path>\lpp\psf\grd\codepage.grd.nores codepage.grd