Creating a transform with bin mappings
Note: If you will be sending both PCL and PostScript jobs to
the same printer, you can create two transform objects (one that accepts
PCL and one that accepts PostScript) and associate
them both with that printer.
To create a transform that maps PCL/PostScript bins to AFP bins:
- In the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI, click Server and select Transform → Create.
- In the Create transform dialog, fill in the fields:
- Name: Type a name for the transform.
- Server: Choose the correct InfoPrint Manager server.
- Format of output file: Select MODCA-P.
- Description: Type a description that will help you remember which printer uses this transform.
- Transform options: The command line that will execute when
the transform runs.
If this transform accepts PCL, type:
pcl2afp -o "%o" "%i" –device 'plex,inputX=(pcl_bin=Z), inputX=(pcl_bin=Z)'
Replacing the Xs with the number of the AFP bin (on the printer) and Zs with the number of the PCL bin. You can specify up to 20 mappings.If this transform accepts PostScript, type:
ps2afp -o "%o" "%i" –device 'plex,inputX=(size,type=xxx,color=xxx, weight=nnn), inputX=(size,type=xxx,color=xxx,weight=nnn)'
Replace theinputX=...
portion of the command with your identification statement from Identifying paper trays to InfoPrint Manager.Replace size with a paper size such as: letter, legal, A4, or the dimensions of the paper in inches (8.5ix11i), millimeters (216mx279m), or points (612px792p) and the Xs with the number of the AFP bin (on the printer). Size is the only required value; the others you can either fill in or delete.
- Select Transform and print.
- Document formats allowed: The data stream that your transform accepts. Select PCL or PostScript and add it to the allowed values.
- Click OK.
- Select the printer that you want to associate this transform with and open its properties notebook.
- Click Configuration.
- Find the Transforms to use field.
- Select the transform you just created in the Possible values box and add it to the Values box.
- Click Apply.
- Click Document.
- Find the Formats allowed section.and look in the Values box. Make sure that modca-p and either pcl or PostScript are listed.
- Click OK.
- Tell your users what kind of paper is in each bin and how to print to each of them.