Printing PCL or PostScript to PSF destinations: specifying which paper bin to use
In general, when you submit a print job through a PCL or PostScript driver, you can use the printer options to specify which input paper bin you want the printer to use. For example, if you know that white 8.5 x 11 inch paper is always loaded in bin one and letterhead is always in bin two, you can select bin one when you want to print a draft and bin two when you're ready to print a real letter.
When you send PCL or PostScript print jobs to a PSF Destination in InfoPrint Manager, the data stream is transformed into Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) before it is printed. By default, most PCL jobs that are transformed use paper bin one, regardless of the bin you specify. Transformed PostScript jobs default to letter-sized paper if no other options are specified, and look for a bin that contains that size paper; they either print on paper from the first bin that contains the right size or fail because they do not find the right paper.
If you want the transform program to check for your bin selection and include it in the AFP data that is sent to the printer, you must specify mappings between the PCL and PostScript bins and the AFP bins. The transform will use your mappings to convert the bin number it finds in the PCL or PostScript to an AFP bin number. You can configure InfoPrint Manager so that you can specify up to 20 different input paper bins. For information about how to figure out which PCL and PostScript bins map to which AFP bins, see Determining bin mappings.
After you have figured out the bin mappings, select the option below that most resembles your situation and follow the related procedure.
- If you only have one printer with multiple paper bins OR if you can use the same mappings for all of your printers, see Editing configuration files.
- If you have more than one printer with multiple paper bins AND you want to use different mappings for all of them, see Creating a transform with bin mappings.
You cannot specify bin mappings if you are printing booklets (with or without integrated covers) or side-by-side copies (multiple copies of the same page on one sheet of paper).