Restarting the job
- Print the entire job on the same printer it was printing on before.
- Print the entire job on a different printer.
- Print part of the job (such as page one to page fifty, or page twelve to the end).
- Important:
- When you use Job → Hold, the job information resets to the beginning of the job. Checkpoint information is not stored.
- You can only start printing in the middle of the job if the job is transformed into AFP before it gets printed. You cannot print part of an ASCII, KGL, or metacode, or LCDS job; you have to print the whole job.
- You can only start printing in the middle of the job if the job has only one printable
document. If it has more than one printable document, you must either print the whole
job or use spacing to skip a section of the job. See the Moving backward or forward in a job that is currently printing for instructions on spacing.
If you submitted this job using DPF from a host system, you can start printing from any page in the job, but InfoPrint Manager ignores any value you enter for the end page. You will always print to the end of the job.
Note: Spacing only works if you send the job to a PSF DSS printer.
To restart the print job:
- To print the entire job on the same printer it was printing on before, select the job in the job window and click Job → Release. The job will start printing from the first page.
- To print the entire job on a different printer, skip to Before you Continue between steps 8 and 9.
- To print part of the job, figure out what page you want to start printing from.
Important: If you do not want to start printing from the first page of the job, be careful when you select which page to start with. Duplex and n-up jobs can be confusing because you have to start printing with the first page on the front side of the sheet of paper. If you do not select the correct start page, the job will print, but the sequence will probably be wrong.
For example, if you are printing a 2–up duplex job, each sheet of paper actually has four pages printed on it, like this:
2–up duplex print job: front and back views
Front of sheet Back of sheet Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Last sheet Since you have to start printing this job at the first page on the front side, you can select page one or page five (or any other page that would fall in that position). If you select a different page, the sequence of pages will be wrong, and the job won't print correctly.
- Decide what page you want to stop printing on (if you do not want to print all the
way to the end of the job).
You do not have to be as precise on the last page to print; the last page can be in any location on the sheet of paper.
- Select the job that you want to print.
- With the job selected, click Job → Change Page Range to Process.
If you do not see the Change Page Range to Process item in the Job menu, use Add/Remove Menu Items to add it.
- In the Change Page Range to Process dialog, select Range of Pages and type the start page and end page you figured out earlier.
Note: If you submitted this job using Distributed Print Facility (DPF), InfoPrint Manager ignores the end page that you specify. DPF jobs always print from the start page that you specify to the end of the job.
- Click OK.
Before you continue:
You should only move a job to an InfoPrint printer that uses the same destination support system (DSS) as the one the job was originally submitted to. If you move the job to a printer that uses a different DSS and the new printer does not support all the attributes of the job, the job fails to print. To check which DSS your InfoPrint printer uses:
- Select the printer in the tree view of the Main window of the InfoPrint Manager GUI.
- See if the Type column appears in the details view. The Type column displays the DSS that the InfoPrint printer uses.
- If you do not see the Type column, use Add/Remove menu items to add it.
- Select the job again and click Job → Move job.
- In the Move Jobs dialog, select the printer to print the job on. You can select the same printer that
the job was printing on before or a different one.
When you release the job in step 12, if the job is accepted, it will go back into the queue and wait to be printed. Depending on how many jobs are ahead of it in the queue, it might take a while for the job to print. To print the job right away, you can either move it to the top of the queue (so it prints next) or you can change its priority (so it prints sooner, but not necessarily next).
- To move the job to the top of the queue, select the job in the InfoPrint Manager GUI and use the Make Job First task. To change the priority of the job, use the Change Priority task.
- Select the job in the job window and click Job → Release.
Note: If the task you want to use does not appear in the menu, use Add/Remove menu items to add it.