PCL、PostScript、および PDF のすべての変換で、その変換を使用する前にデーモンを実行しておく必要があります。pcl2afpdデーモンは、pcl2afp変換のPostScriptインタープリター部分を管理するために少なくとも3つのデーモンが実行していることが必要です。ps2afpdデーモンは、ps2afpとpdf2afpの変換のPostScriptまたはPDF CPSIインタープリター部分を管理します。appedデーモンは、ps2afpとpdf2afpの変換のPDF APPE処理部分を管理します。agspdld デーモンは、ps2afp と pdf2afp の変換の PDF および PostScript Artifex GhostPDL (AGSPDL) 処理部分を管理します。このデーモンについては、RICOH InfoPrint Manager:Referenceを参照してください。
各デーモンは、対応する変換と同様に、構成ファイルを使用します。デーモン構成ファイルは、変換構成ファイルと同じキーワード(serverを除く)と、デーモンの操作を制御する一部のキーワードを含めることができます。デーモンのキーワードについては、RICOH InfoPrint Manager:Referenceを参照してください。
サンプルAGSPDLデーモン構成ファイル (agspdld.cfg)
# agspdld configuration file ###################################################################### # KEYWORD PURPOSE ###################################################################### port = 8254 # which TCP/IP port to use work_directory = /var/psf/agspdl # directory to put work files into log_file = /var/psf/agspdl/agspdl.log # where to write log messages log_size = 1024 # maximum log size in KB ps_font_directory = /var/psf/agspdl/Resource # list of resource files ps_output_type = IO1_G4 # type of AFP image to generate ps_width = 8.5i # width of generated image ps_length = 11i # length of generated image ps_resolution = 300 # resolution of target printer agspdl_is = 1 # the is afp compliance flag #agspdl_compress_type = lzw # lzw compression # other options: jpeg, jpeg-sub #agspdl_page_size_control # -psc page size control options # ArtBox, BleedBox, CropBox, TrimBox
サンプルAPPEデーモン構成ファイル (apped.cfg)
# apped configuration file ###################################################################### # KEYWORD PURPOSE ###################################################################### port = 8250 # which TCP/IP port to use appe_work_directory = /var/psf/appe # directory to put APPE work files into log_file = /var/psf/appe/apped.log # where to write daemon log messages log_size = 100 # maximum log size in KB #transform_trace_file = /var/psf/appe/appeTraceFile.log # where to write APPE transform traces # comment out to disable tracing #transform_trace_size = 200 # maximum trace size in KB # use 0 to disable trace size checking #transform_trace_level = MDFL@-1 # APPE traces level # MMST@-1 output most trace statements # MINT@-1 output intermediate level of tracing # MDFL@-1 output default trace statements #appe_fonts_path = #list of directories where extra APPE fonts are located appe_font_map_files = /usr/lpp/psf/appe/fontmaps/FontMapSample.cfg appe_width = 8.5i # width of generated image appe_length = 11i # length of generated image appe_x_offset = 0i # left and right margins appe_y_offset = 0i # top and bottom margins appe_resolution = 300 # resolution of target printer appe_output_type = IO1_G4 # type of AFP image to generate #appe_is = 1 # the is afp compliance flag #appe_compress_type = jpeg-sub # JPEG subsampled compression. Other options: jpeg, lzw #appe_pagetype = DOCUMENT # type of afp structured field for each individual page
サンプルpcl2afpデーモン構成ファイル (pcl2afpd.cfg)
# pcl2afpd configuration file ###################################################################### # KEYWORD PURPOSE ###################################################################### port = 8253 # which TCP/IP port to use work_directory = /var/psf/pcl2afp # directory to put work files into log_file = /var/psf/pcl2afp/pcl2afpd.log # where to write log messages log_size = 100 # maximum log size in KB notify = root # who to notify if problems encountered mail_command = /usr/bin/mail # program used to send notifications pcl_program = /usr/lpp/psf/bin/pcl6 # name of PCL interpreter program pcl_fonts_path = /usr/lpp/psf/pcl2afp # location of .FCO files for PCL6 pcl_max_memory = 6000K # maximum amount of memory that # PCL uses; the 'K' is ignored pcl_job_timeout = 20 # maximum number of minutes # to process a PCL job pcl_width = 8.5i # width of generated image pcl_length = 11i # length of generated image pcl_x_offset = 0i # left and right margins pcl_y_offset = 0i # top and bottom margins pcl_resolution = 300 # resolution of target printer pcl_output_type = IO1_G4 # type of AFP image to generate #pcl_is = 1 # -is the is afp compliance flag #pcl_compress_type = lzw # -cmp lzw compression # other options: jpeg, jpeg-sub ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND AND MAPPING BINS TO TRAYS # NOTE: Uncomment only one of the options below. ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND ONLY # If you want your users to be able to choose between single-sided and # double-sided (duplexed) output, uncomment the following line. # device_controls = plex ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND AND MAPPING BINS TO TRAYS # If you want your users to be able to both choose between single- # sided and double-sided (duplexed) output AND specify which paper # tray to use, uncomment the line below and fill in the correct values: # Replace the Xs with the number of the AFP tray (between 1 and 255). # Replace the Zs with the PCL bin number (between 1 and 59). # You can list up to 20 mappings. # device_controls = plex,inputX=(pcl_bin=Z),inputX=(pcl_bin=Z)
InfoPrint 4000とInfoPrint 4100プリンター向けサンプルps2afpデーモン構成ファイル (ps2afpd.cfg)
# ps2afpd configuration file ###################################################################### # KEYWORD PURPOSE ###################################################################### port = 8251 # which TCP/IP port to use work_directory = /var/psf/ps2afp # directory to put work files into log_file = /var/psf/ps2afp/ps2afpd.log # where to write log messages log_size = 100 # maximum log size in KB notify = root # who to notify if problems encountered mail_command = /usr/bin/mail # program used to send notifications ps_program = /usr/lpp/psf/bin/ps2afpi # name of PostScript interpreter program ps_init_file = /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/ps2afpe.ps # name of PostScript interpreter # initialization file ps_files_path = /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp :\ /usr/lpp/psf/config :\ /usr/lpp/psf/reslib # path to search for jobInit files ps_max_memory = 48000K # maximum amount of memory that # PostScript uses; the 'K' is ignored ps_job_timeout = 9999 # maximum number of minutes # to process PostScript job ps_server_timeout = 360 # maximum number of minutes # server waits between jobs ps_font_map_files = /usr/lpp/psf/ps/psfonts.map :\ /var/psf/psfonts/user.map # list of font mapping files ps_width = 8.5i # width of generated image ps_length = 11i # length of generated image ps_x_offset = 0i # left and right margins ps_y_offset = 0i # top and bottom margins ps_resolution = 300 # resolution of target printer ps_output_type = IO1_G4 # type of AFP image to generate #following three parameters will apply only if threshsmall specified ps_imgsmall = 0.5i # default value for imgsmall ps_linesmall = 0.5i # default value for linesmall ps_txtsmall = 0.5i # default value for txtsmall #ps_is = 1 # the is afp compliance flag ps_compress_type = jpeg-sub # JPEG subsampled compression. / Other options: jpeg, lzw ###################################################################### # Customize if desired #pragma = jobInit 4000.ibm85lpi.tf.dt.ps; \ # jobInit 4000.ibm85lpi.ta.ps; ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND AND MAPPING BINS TO TRAYS # NOTE: Uncomment only one of the options below. ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE FINISHING FLAG ONLY # If you want your users to be able to allow finishing operations, # such as staple operations or punch operations, uncomment the # following line. # device_controls = finishing ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND ONLY # If you want your users to be able to choose between single-sided and # double-sided (duplexed) output, uncomment the following line. # device_controls = plex ###################################################################### # ENABLING BOTH PLEX AND FINISHING # If you want your users to be able to both choose between single- # sided and double-sided (duplexed) output AND allow finishing # operations, such as staple operations or punch operations, # uncomment the following line. # device_controls = plex,finishing ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND AND MAPPING BINS TO TRAYS # If you want your users to be able to both choose between single- # sided and double-sided (duplexed) output AND specify which paper # tray to use, uncomment the line below and fill in the correct values: # Replace the Xs with the number of the AFP tray (between 1 and 255). # Replace the Zs with the appropriate values. # Replace size with one of the supported paper sizes \ (LETTER, LEGAL, A3, A4, B4, B5, LEDGER) # device_controls = plex,inputX=(size,type=ZZZ,weight=ZZZ,color=ZZZ), \ inputX=(size,type=ZZZ,weight=ZZZ,color=ZZZ) ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND AND MAPPING BINS TO TRAYS # If you want your users to be able to both choose between single- # sided and double-sided (duplexed) output, AND allow finishing # operations, AND specify which paper tray to use, uncomment the line # below and fill in the correct values: # Replace the Xs with the number of the AFP tray (between 1 and 255). # Replace the Zs with the appropriate values. # Replace size with one of the supported paper sizes \ (LETTER, LEGAL, A3, A4, B4, B5, LEDGER) # device_controls = plex,finishing,inputX=(size,type=ZZZ,weight=ZZZ,color=ZZZ), \ inputX=(size,type=ZZZ,weight=ZZZ,color=ZZZ)
カットシートIPDSプリンター向けサンプルps2afpデーモン構成ファイル (3160d.cfg)
# ps2afpd configuration file ###################################################################### # KEYWORD PURPOSE ###################################################################### port = 8252 # which TCP/IP port to use work_directory = /var/psf/ps2afp2 # directory to put work files into log_file = /var/psf/ps2afp2/ps2afpd.log # where to write log messages log_size = 100 # maximum log size in KB notify = root # who to notify if problems encountered mail_command = /usr/bin/mail # program used to send notifications ps_program = /usr/lpp/psf/bin/ps2afpi # name of PostScript interpreter program ps_init_file = /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/ps2afpe.ps # name of PostScript interpreter # initialization file ps_files_path = /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp :\ /usr/lpp/psf/config :\ /usr/lpp/psf/reslib # path to search for jobInit files ps_max_memory = 48000K # maximum amount of memory that # PostScript uses; the 'K' is ignored ps_job_timeout = 9999 # maximum number of minutes # to process PostScript job ps_server_timeout = 360 # maximum number of minutes # server waits between jobs ps_font_map_files = /usr/lpp/psf/ps/psfonts.map :\ /var/psf/psfonts/user.map # list of font mapping files ps_width = 8.5i # width of generated image ps_length = 11i # length of generated image ps_x_offset = 0i # left and right margins ps_y_offset = 0i # top and bottom margins ps_resolution = 300 # resolution of target printer ps_output_type = IO1_G4 # type of AFP image to generate ps_compress_type = jpeg-sub # JPEG subsampled compression. \ Other options: jpeg, lzw pragma = jobInit 3160.ibm85lpi.tf.dt.ps; \ jobInit 3160.ibm85lpi.ta.ps; \ wglRotate yes; ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND AND MAPPING BINS TO TRAYS # NOTE: Uncomment only one of the options below. ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND ONLY # If you want your users to be able to choose between single-sided and # double-sided (duplexed) output, uncomment the following line. # device_controls = plex ###################################################################### # ENABLING THE PLEX COMMAND AND MAPPING BINS TO TRAYS # If you want your users to be able to both choose between single- # sided and double-sided (duplexed) output AND specify which paper # tray to use, uncomment the line below and fill in the correct values: # Replace the Xs with the number of the AFP tray (between 1 and 255). # Replace the Zs with the appropriate values. # Replace size with one of the supported paper sizes \ (LETTER, LEGAL, A3, A4, B4, B5, LEDGER) # device_controls = plex,inputX=(size,type=ZZZ,weight=ZZZ,color=ZZZ), \ inputX=(size,type=ZZZ,weight=ZZZ,color=ZZZ)