Daemon configuration files
The PCL, PostScript, and PDF transforms all require a daemon to be running before you can use them. The pcl2afpd daemon manages the PCL interpreter portion of the pcl2afp transform. The ps2afpd daemon manages the PostScript or PDF CPSI interpreter portion of the ps2afp and pdf2afp transforms. The apped daemon manages the PDF APPE processing portion of the ps2afp and pdf2afp transforms. The agspdld daemon manages the PDF and PostScript Artifex GhostPDL (AGSPDL) processing portion of the ps2afp and pdf2afp transforms. For more information about these daemons, see RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Reference.
Each daemon, like the corresponding transform, uses a configuration file. The daemon configuration file can contain the same keywords as the transform configuration file, except server, plus some keywords that control the operation of the daemon. See RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Reference for the daemon keywords.
Sample AGSPDL daemon configuration file (agspdld.cfg)
# agspdld configuration file ###################################################################### # KEYWORD