Summary table for the CJK simulation fonts

This section lists CJK simulation fonts for these typefaces:

  • Chinese:
    • Simplified Chinese:
      • Gothic simulated by Hei
      • Song simulated by Song
    • Traditional Chinese:
      • Gothic simulated by Sung
      • Ming simulated by Sung
  • Japanese:
    • Gothic and Heisei Kaku Gothic simulated by Heisei Kaku Gothic
    • Round Gothic simulated by Heisei Maru Gothic
    • Mincho and Heisei Mincho simulated by Heisei Mincho
  • Korean:
    • Gothic simulated by Gothic
    • Mincho simulated by Myengjo

The summary of the CJK simulation fonts provides this information:

CID file name
The name of the CID-Keyed font file used to create the AFP outline font. The file extensions are CID and CMP.
The font weight. Possible values are:
The font width. Possible values are:
Coded font
A six-character name of the outline coded font, with "XZ" as the prefix, that identifies the combination of code page and character set.
Character set
A six-character name, with "CZ" as the prefix, that identifies an AFP outline character set.
Code page
A six-character name, with "T1" as the prefix, that identifies the code page.
The graphic character set global identifier (GCSGID) is a collection of characters registered with a unique number and sometimes used for font and code page selection.
The font typeface global identifier (FGID) is a number assigned to each typeface and is sometimes used for font selection.
Box size
The box size of the 240-pel fonts shown numerically as height by vertical (HxV) size.

Summary of CJK simulation fonts

CJK simulation fonts are grouped by Chinese, Japanese, and Korean typefaces. The CID file name and the font weight appear after each typeface name.
Coded font Width Code page GCSGID Box size
Simplified Chinese Gothic simulated by Hei – ILSHEIW6 (SB)
XZGbxP Full T10837 1020 16x16
Simplified Chinese Song simulated by Song – ILSSNGW5 (M)
XZSbxP Full T10837 1020 26x26 32x32 40x40
Traditional Chinese Gothic simulated by Sung – IBTSNGW3 (L)
XZGbxT Full T10835 2074 16x16
Traditional Chinese Ming simulated by Sung – IBTSNGW3 (L)
XZMbxT Full T10835 2074 24x24 32x32 40x40
Japanese Gothic simulated by Heisei Kaku Gothic – IBJHKGW5 (M)
XZGbxB XZGbxF XZGbxX XZHbxD XZHbxJ XZHbxN XZHbxO XZHbxU XZHbxV Full Full Full Half Half Half Half Half Half T1I300 T1I300 T1I300 T1H01002 T1H01041 T1HK0290 T1H00290 T1HK0037 T1H10027 2093209320931132118733213981011398 16x16 20x24 24x30 32x32 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64 16x16 20x24 24x30 32x32 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64 48x48 64x64 12x30 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 12x30 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 12x30 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 12x30 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 12x30 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 12x30 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64
Japanese Gothic (JIS90) simulated by Heisei Kaku Gothic – IBJHKGW5 (M)
XZGbxD Full T1J300 2093 16x16 20x24 24x30 32x32 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64
Japanese Heisei Kaku Gothic simulated by Heisei Kaku Gothic – IBJHKGW5 (M)
XZEbxB XZEbxF XZFbxD XZFbxJ XZFbxN XZFbxO XZFbxU XZFbxV Full Full Half Half Half Half Half Half T10300 T10300 T1H01002 T1H01041 T1HK0290 T1H00290 T1HK0037 T1H01027 209320931132118733213981011398 24x24 26x26 32x32 36x36 40x40 44x44 48x48 52x52 64x64 24x24 26x26 32x32 36x36 40x40 44x44 48x48 52x52 64x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64
Japanese Round Gothic simulated by Heisei Maru Gothic – IBJHMGW4 (SL)
XZRbxB XZRbxF XZRbxX XZSbxD XZSbxJ XZSbxN XZSbxO XZSbxU XZSbxV Full Full Full Half Half Half Half Half Half T1I300 T1I300 T1I300 T1H01002 T1H01041 T1HK0290 T1H00290 T1HK0037 T1H01027 2093 2093 2093 1132 1187 332 1398 101 1398 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64 48x48 64x64 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64
Japanese Round Gothic (JIS90) simulated by Heisei Maru Gothic – IBJHMGW4 (SL)
XZRbxD Full T1J300 2093 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64
Japanese Mincho simulated by Heisei Mincho – IBJHMNW3 (L)
XZMbxB XZMbxF XZMbxX XZZbxB XZZbxF XZNbxD XZNbxJ XZNbxN XZNbxO XZNbxU XZNbxV XZYbxD XZYbxJ XZYbxN XZYbxO XZYbxU XZYbxV Full Full Full Full Full Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half Half T1I300 T1I300 T1I300 T1I300 T1I300 T1H01002 T1H01041 T1HK0290 T1H00290 T1HK0037 T1H01027 T1H01002 T1H01041 T1HK0290 T1H00290 T1HK0037 T1H01027 2093 2093 2093 2093 2093 1132 1187 332 1398 101 1398 1132 1187 332 1398 101 1398 16x16 24x24 26x26 32x32 36x36 40x40 44x44 48x48 52x52 64x64 16x16 24x24 26x26 32x32 36x36 40x40 44x44 48x48 52x52 64x64 48x48 64x64 24x24 24x24 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 12x24 12x24 12x24 12x24 12x24
Japanese Mincho (JIS90) simulated by Heisei Mincho – IBJHMNW3 (L)
XZMbxD XZZbxD Full Full T1J300 T1J300 20932093 16x16 24x24 26x26 32x32 36x36 40x40 44x44 48x48 52x52 64x64 24x24
Japanese Heisei Mincho simulated by Heisei Mincho – IBJHMNW3 (L)
XZKbxB XZKbxF XZLbxD XZLbxJ XZLbxN XZLbxO XZLbxU XZLbxV Full Full Half Half HalfHalf Half Half T10300 T10300 T1H01002 T1H01041 T1HK0290 T1H00290 T1HK0037 T1H01027 2093 2093 1132 1187 332 1398 101 1398 16x16 24x24 26x26 32x32 36x36 40x40 44x44 48x48 52x52 64x64 16x16 24x24 26x26 32x32 36x36 40x40 44x44 48x48 52x52 64x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x6412x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x6412x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 12x24 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64 13x26 16x32 18x36 20x40 22x44 24x48 26x52 32x64
Korean Gothic simulated by Gothic – IBHKG2W5 (M)
XZGbxK XZGbxL XZHbxK Full Full Half T10834 T10834 T1H00833 1010 1010 1173 16x16 24x30 16x16 24x30 8x16 12x30
Korean Mincho simulated by Myengjo – IBHSM2W5 (M)
XZMbxK XZMbxLXZNbxK Full Full Half T10834 T10834 T1H00833 1010 1010 1173 24x24 32x32 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64 24x24 32x32 36x36 40x40 48x48 64x64 12x30 16x32 18x36 20x40 24x48 32x64

Here are the character set codes and FGDIs associated with the CJK simulation fonts:

CID file name Character set FDGI