Database property names for Archive
Messages might refer to Archive properties.
In the Editable column:
- Yes means that an authorized user can change the value.
- No means that an authorized user cannot change the value.
Archive properties
Database name | Notebook field name | Brief description | Editable |
Doc.Member.Number | User interface name: Member number (not displayed as field in property notebook) | Specifies the member number in the document. The RepositorySample supplied workflow uses this property. | No |
Job.Exportrep.ExportInput | Search criteria | Specifies the properties and values the ExportFromRepository step uses to search the repository for data to export. | Yes |
Job.Exportrep.ExportInputType | Criteria type | Specifies whether the value in the Search criteria property is a file or a string. | Yes |
Job.Exportrep.ExportOutputFile | Export results file | Specifies the full path or symbolic name of the Comma Separated Values (CSV) file where the step writes the exported data. | Yes |
Job.Exportrep.HeaderFile | Results file descriptor | Specifies the path and file name to the file that lists which property values you want the ExportFromRepository step to retrieve from the repository and include in the export results file. | Yes |
Job.Exportrep.Repository | Repository | Specifies the repository to search for information to export. | Yes |
Job.Repository.DocPropToArchive | Document properties to store | Document properties that can be stored with the file. | Yes |
Job.Repository.EntryType | Archive entry type | Adds a custom label for the information that is stored in the repository by this step, such as Original job file, Preflight, Print data, or History only. | Yes |
Job.Repository.FileToArchive | File to store | Specifies the file you want to store in the repository. | Yes |
Job.Repository.JobPropToArchive | Job properties to store | Job properties that are stored for use in retrieving the file or history information. | Yes |
Job.Repository.LastNumOfRecordsExported | Last number of records exported | Specifies the number of records exported the last time that the ExportFromRepository step ran. | No |
Job.Repository.Overrides | Path to override properties file | Specifies the path and name of a text file that contains a list of job properties whose values you want to preserve for use when the job or its documents are resubmitted to a workflow. | Yes |
Job.Repository.RefAttributes | Associated properties file | Specifies the full path or symbolic name of the file that the StoreInRepository step can use to store one or more properties that are associated with the job, but that are properties of other objects. | Yes |
Job.Repository.Repository | Repository | Specifies the repository where the file is stored. | Yes |
Job.Repository.ResubmitFileName | Repository | Specifies the name of the file to resubmit. | Yes |
Job.Repository.StoreHistory | Store history records | Specifies whether the step stores production history collected by one or more history record notification objects. | Yes |
Job.Repository.DocFileToArchive | Document properties file | Specifies the name of a tab-delimited file containing property values to store in the repository. The file can contain values for document properties, fields that are not defined as RICOH ProcessDirector document properties, or a combination of both. | Yes |
Repository.Description | Description | Describes the repository. For example, it might describe the type of data that is deposited here. | Yes |
Repository.DiskSpace | Disk space used (GB) | Shows how much disk space is used by files in the repository. | No |
Repository.FileLocation | Folder location | Specifies the directory where the repository stores the data. The property can be changed by using the Change folder location action. | No |
Repository.FilesStored | Files stored | Shows the total number of Archive entries containing job or document data stored in the repository. Archive entries containing only history information or properties are not counted. | No |
Repository.ID | Name | Specifies the name of the repository. | No |
Repository.LastModified | Last modified | The date and time that the repository was last changed. | No |
Repository.Location | Location | Specifies the location associated with a repository. | Yes |
Repository.NextDelete | Next deletion of expired files | Shows the date and time when the next file with an expired Retention period is deleted. | Yes |
Repository.RetainDuration | Retention period | Specifies the period of time to store an archive entry in this repository. The unit of time for the value can be days, weeks, months, or years. The property can be changed by using the Change retention period action. | No |